The Viking DNA Project // Seeking Vikings in Cotentin in France // A la recherche de vikings dans le Cotentin France. (2015)

Started by (No Name) on Tuesday, June 16, 2015
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For mr. Saarinen: I have had another look at the purpose of this Project, which is: 'Seeking Vikings in Cotentin in France'. Excuse my ignorance, but where is Cotentin situated in France? Is it close to Normandy, or is it a town in Normandy? I don't find the town / area in my Great World Atlas. The French Huguenot families who came to SA were from all areas of France, but those that I am related to / descended from (Du Plessis, De Villiers, Retif, Le Roux, Villion, De la Batte, and Neel) came from the north western parts of France, i.e. Normandie, Poitou, Poitiers, La Rochelle, Ile de France, and Rouen. Have you been able to contact French people from Cotentin?

For A. Saarinen: Thank you for the information about Cotentin Peninsula, and for the links. So, will your research be concentrated on people in the Cotentin Peninsula, from past to present, and to find out whether descendants of Viking notables who may have settled in Normandy can be traced? Re your question about racial equality in SA: there is no easy answer, but all people are equal before the law and all people over 18 have the right to vote. We live in a unitary state, but it would probably have been better if SA was a federation, because of many conflicts of interest. People tend to vote for parties along racial lines, and that's not good for real democracy. Previously whites were in control, now you have the opposite situation. Our ideal is that we should have a real 'rainbow nation' with a place in the sun for all, regardless of race, colour or creed. Re relationships: We Afrikaans people are mostly interrelated, because our nation grew from a few hundred people 300 years ago to about 3 million today. I am quite closely related to most notable Afrikaners, including the Voortrekker leader, Piet Retief, whose names I carry. He was also a descendant of French Huguenots. Re my Facebook profile: I am the only 'Piet Venter' whose initials are PR. I guess that Facebook users would be able to reach my page by using the link:

Ja det var intressant. Hittade en annan väg till Olof Bure, fast genom andra Baggar. (Gange-Hrólfr 'Rollo' Ragnvaldsson de Normandie is my 28th great grandfather.)

Olof Engelbrektsson Bure is Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson's 6th great grandfather's wife's second great grandfather's wife's father!

A.Saarinen, guess who's missing?

You may remember this I wrote from the beginning of this thread,

" Ragnar Lodbrok born around 765
his son
Björn Järnsida born between 780-782
his son
Erik Björnsson --born between 797-800
his two sons --born between 812-816
Anund Eriksson (Emund) Uppsale and *Björn Eriksson (At the Håga)
Anunds son
*Olof Anundsson (Ring) born between 830-836
his son
Rurik Olofsson. Yes, the same Rurik with no ancestry at all, but founded The Kiev empire that later resulted in Russia etc. "

Well Olof is missing, a person that is mentioned in a contemporary source are an not existing person here at geni, Why?

Emund Eriksson, king of Birka

According to my calculation based on these fact, Emund are most likely not born 829, rather at least 10 year earlier.

Olof seem to have been literately out censored by the genealogic maffia who do everything to erase the links between Rurik and the kings in Svitjod, but look here, this is okay, Aslak Anundsson, born 805, son of Emund Eriksson.

Emunds profile have been locked down with errors, congratulation.

Aslak Anundsson , is my 30th great Uncle. There is a story in the family that my 28th Grandfather was a berserker and was always bound to the mast and only released when they landed at the English Coast. To get him on board again was worse than the fight with the English.

The Viking DNA is the world full My 4th Great Grandfather Barthold Pederson (Pieterson) was a Norwegian. Is there a friendly Norwegian who can help me trace his forefathers.

Hi Private User,

Clearly Aslak Anundsson born c805 cannot be the child of Emund Eriksson, king of Birka born c829 but this is not evidence of some Geni mafia trying to hide the truth about Rurik.

Who was Aslak Anundsson? The profile is basically empty so next to useless, is the date 805 a typo? Should it be c850? Is this person actually child of a different Emund?

I don't know, i don't really care. Geni is full of this sort of rubbish caused by numerous issues with crowd sourced data, it is not evidence of anything other than the fact that nothing on Geni should be accepted without critical review.

Why don't you put some effort into finding out who Aslak Anundsson was and either improving the profile or moving it to a more appropriate part of the tree.

Aslak Anundsson is also a single-manager profile, which is rather suspicious at this level of the tree.

I'm detaching him from Emund.

Stop giving him clues ;)

Who was Aslak Anudsson was married to my cousin 30 times removed.
Leave him alone,

Aslak Anundsson is mine third cousin 32 times removed's husband.

Rename this group, since the name of the group is based on misunderstanding that Vikings were an ethnical group. There is a proper term for the group you refer to, and that is Northmen or Norse. Vikig is only translation from the latin world piratae, and was until some 50 years ago only used, when refering to pirates. One of the earliest documented men which were called vikings was a greek king, Philippus II of Macedonia. In the Icelandic sagas is described how Sigurd Jorsalafarare was attacked by arab pirates, and those arabs were called vikings. So, lease understand that yu repeat a common, bot bad mistake whe you call my ancestors vikings, when in fact, 99% of them was probably not. But they were of course Norse. Please read Wikipedias article

A number of Vikings were in fact named "Viking" in the sagas.
The sagas use "to go Viking" as a verb - it meant to go harrying other shores, stealing what you could, killing those who resisted.

I'm sorry, your research is flawed. The term was used by the Vikings themselves, to refer to the actions they did that earned them the moniker.

The Wikipedia article has the correct etymology, I believe - tying the term back to Old Norse.

Here is some information that may help track the Norse in France:

My 42nd great-grandfather:
Myth King of Kvenland, King of Kvenland, koning van Kvenland Fornjot "the Ancient Giant" (Fictitiously) JOTNE, King of Kvenland MP
Norse, Old: Fornjótr (Fictitiously) JOTNE, King of Kvenland, Norwegian: Fornjot "Den gamle" JOTNE, Konge av Kvenland
Gender: Male
Birth: estimated between 189 and 193
Kvenland, Finland
Death: Kvenland, Finland
Immediate Family:
Son of Father to Fornjot OF KVENLAND and Mother to Fornjot OF KVENLAND
Husband of N.N.
Father of Myth King of Kvenland. Kari ''Wind'' FORNJOTSSON, King of Kvenland; Hlér "Ægir" FORNJOTSSON, of Scandinavia and Kung av Hålogaland Logi FORNJOTSSON, King of Hálogaland
Added by: Andreas LUNDMARK on April 9, 2007
Managed by: Richard Samuel SMITH and 196 others
Curated by: Harald Tveit ALVESTRAND

French descendants of Viking ancestry from 1510 to

Imbert L'HUILLIER, brother of Philippe l'Huillier
his father → Jean II Lhuillier, seigneur de Manicamp
his father → Marie MARCEL
his mother → Marguerite DES ESSARTS
her mother → Pierre I des Essarts
her father → Isabeau DE MEULAN
his mother → Amaury I de Meulan, seigneur de Gournay ("Walerain de Beaumont, 1st Earl of Worcester, as the Earl's 4th child, Wikipedia, English,,_1st_Earl_of_Worc...),
her father → Waleran Iv of Beaumont, Count of Meulan, 1st Earl of Worcester
his father → Robert of Beaumont, Count of Meulan, 1st Earl of Leicester
his father → Roger of Beaumont, Seigneur of Portaudemer
his father → Onfroi (Honfroi), seigneur de Vieilles
his father → Thorold, seigneur de Pont-Audemer (Turold de Pont-Audemer, source:
his father → Eremberge, Dame de Briquebec
his mother → Anslec de Bastembourg, seigneur de Briquebec
her father → Rollo Thurstan HROLLAGERSSON, "Brico"
his father → Hrollager ROGNVALDSSON
his father → Ragnvald EYSTEINSSON, Earl of Møre
his father → Eystein Ivarsson «the Noisy» Glumra
his father → Ivar HALFDANSSON, Opplendingejarl
his father → Halfdan "Gamle" Sveidasson
his father → Svidri Heytsson
his father → Heytir GORRSSON, Sea King
his father → Gor THORRASSON, Sea King
his father → Myth King Thorri SNÆRSSON, Myth king of Kvenland
his father → Myth King Snær JOKULSSON, Myth King of Kvenland
his father → King Frosti KARASSON, Mythical King of Kvenland
his father → Myth King of Kvenland. Kari ''Wind'' FORNJOTSSON, King of Kvenland
his father → Myth King of Kvenland, King of Kvenland, koning van Kvenland Fornjot "the Ancient Giant" JOTNE, King of Kvenland
his father

Supporting historical records:
House of Beaumont, Wikipedia,
Roger de Beaumont, Lord (seigneur) of Pont-Audemer, of Beaumont-le-Roger, of Brionne and of Vatteville, was too old to fight at the Hastings and stayed in Normandy to govern and protect it while William was away on the invasion. As a reward, he received lands in Leicestershire. His son Robert de Beaumont, comte de Meulan, who commanded the Norman right wing at Hastings, became the first Earl of Leicester. His brother Henri de Beaumont was created Earl of Warwick.

During Stephen's reign, the twins Galéran and Robert were powerful allies to the king, and as a reward Galéran (already comte de Meulan) was made Earl of Worcester.

Counsel from the Beaumonts was important to the Dukes of Normandy, then by the kings of England.

Bernard the Dane
└─>Torf le Riche, seigneur de Pont-Audemer (born c. 910)

└─>Turold de Pont-Audemer (c. 940)

└─>Onfroi de Vieilles called de Harcourt (c. 975)

└─>Roger de Beaumont (le Barbu) († 1094)

├─>Robert de Beaumont, 1st Earl of Leicester (1050 – 1118)
│ │
│ ├─>Galéran IV de Meulan (1104 – 1166)
│ │ └─> Earls of Worcester branch
│ │
│ └─>Robert II de Beaumont (1104 – 1168)
│ └─> Earls of Leicester branch

└─>Henri de Beaumont called de NeufBourg (1046 – 1123)
│└─> Earls of Warwick branch . │ . └─>Robert de Neubourg

Birth: 1430
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Death: 1485 (55)
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Immediate Family:
Son of Jean II Lhuillier, seigneur de Manicamp and Jeanne DE VITRY
Husband of Marguerite BRAQUE
Father of Jean La Motte D'esgry L'huillier
Brother of Seigneur Philippe LHUILLIER, de Manicamp and Louise LUILLIER
Added by: Shane Derek BOUCHARD on March 23, 2008
Managed by: Patrick Jan VAN HOVE , David John BILODEAU, Shane Derek BOUCHARD, Paul Isaac Vincent STRONG, Keith SOUCY and Marilynn JOHNSTON « less

1475 - Philippe l'Huillier, Governor of the Bastille, France
Philippe l'Huillier, lord of Cailly and Manicamp was chamberlain of King Louis XI.

Dampiere-en-Yvelines, Wikipedia, French (English translation by Google Translate, Source: 'The seigniory of Valencia was granted in January 1510, by Dom Pierre Pichonnat, abbot of Saint-Denis-en-France, who bails for life to Adam de Baillon, notary and secretary of the king, the fief of Valencia. This lease is made for 36 pounds. Another older version dating back to 1502 was built for 12 books.' Source's French text: "La seigneurie de Valence fut accordée en janvier 1510, par dom Pierre Pichonnat, abbé de Saint-Denis-en-France, qui baille à vie à Adam de Baillon, notaire et secrétaire du roy, le fief de Valence. Ce bail est fait moyennant 36 livres. Une autre version plus ancienne datant de 1502 était établie pour 12 livres."

The House de Baillon from Pierre De Baillon, born between 1345 to 1405, to Marie Catherine de Baillon, 1645:
Marie-Catherine DE BAILLON, mother of Jean-Bernard MIVILLE DIT DESCHÊNES, born Sept 5, 1672, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
→ Alphonse de Baillon, seigneur de La Massicotterie,
her father → Adam de Baillon seigneur de Valence
his father → Adam de Valence DE BAILLON, Jr.
his father → Adam de Valence DE BAILLON, Sr.
his father → Michel de Caudebec, Seigneur of Louanville DE BAILLON, vicomte
his father → Mathurin Bourgeois de Chartres BAILLON
his father → Guy DE BAILLON
his father → Pierre DE BAILLON
his father

The remainder of my relationship is according to genealogical data in Geni,
Father to Fornjot OF KVENLAND is my 43rd great grandfather.
Marie Annette Gisele Ouellet, me
→ Lucien Ouellet, Sir Knight of Columbus 4th Degree
ny father → Emelda Yvonne OUELLET
his mother → Louis Roussel
her father → Louis ROUSSEL
his father → Lambert ROUSSEL
his father → Leocadie ROUSSEL
his mother → Marie-Louise LIZOTTE
her mother → Charlotte MIVILLE DITE DESCHÊNES
her mother → Pierre-René MIVILLE DIT DESCHÊNES
her father → Jean-Bernard MIVILLE DIT DESCHÊNES, son of Marie-Catherine De Baillon

Anyone who has references to archives and parish records from Jean La Motte d'Esgry, born 1480, is invited to send a message to me. Thank you for your assistance. Have a pleasant day.

A sure way to know that you have Viking fore parents is if you have V.D. (Viking Disease). Medically known as Baron Dupuytren's disease. I have many such fore parents and my V.D. is severe.

It is common today to mix up the terms viking and norse, which has not the same meaning. Viking means pirat, with unspecified origin. Among real documented vikings are the greek king Phillippus II of Macedonia and arabic pirates who attackked Sigurd Jorsalafarer. The term you probably mean is Norse.

The Viking Age occurred from approximately 800 to 1100 CE, starting with the raid on the Lindisfarne Monastery in England and ending with the Norman Conquest of 1066. The classification “Viking” often denotes the entire Scandinavian people. Northmen venturing for plunder and power represented only a small portion of the Norse population, most of which lived as farmers. The main reasons scholars deduced for the departure of Vikings from Scandinavia include determinism in technology, environment, demographics, politics, and ideology. During this time, few people referred to Francia and Anglia as France and England; however, these terms appear here as general labels for the modern geographic areas. Differences in military defenses and responses to raiding and settlement resulted in massacre in England, but allowed for growth and power in France, culminating the Viking Era with the Norman Invasion.


Reading about Viking history is so interesting-
It is generally known that the duchy of Normandy owes its name to the Vikings, also called Normans (Northmen), and Normandy is just next to Paris. The recent “Vikings” series gives an account of these events. In 911, king Charles the Simple made a treaty with a chieftain remembered as Rollo (French: Rollon), granting him a new duchy in exchange for allegiance and defending it against raids of other Vikings. These did actually continue throughout the 10th century on the peninsula of Cotentin. Rollo, whose real name was Hrólfr Rögnvaldrsson, embraced Christianity under the easier name of Robert. Such conversions were dubious, as gifts were offered on these occasions, so that Viking chieftains used to be baptized plenty of times, and Rollo is said to have made pagan offerings before he died.

Warning: Never take "Vikings" as anything but entertainment!
The events in the series are "based on real events" only in the most tenous sense.

The saga-writer Snorre claimed that Rollo (Gange-Hrólfr 'Rollo' Ragnvaldsson) was the son of Norwegian chieftain Ragnvald Eysteinsson, one of the chief supporters of Harald Hårfagre, the first person to claim the title of "King of Norway".

Lots of controversy about whether this is truth, fiction, or just unknowable.

That is funny. This subject matter was discussed several years back. I had contacted the History Channel concerning the time line and the relationship between the two major characters in the Viking series. After their last reply, they said that they will get back. They never did. That is show Bizz. So, don't believe totally on what comes up on the movie screen. There are a lot of FAKES, and FLAKES in this world. It is all entertainment!

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