Baeldaeg - Un-merging of legendary Beldeg from mythical Baldur

Started by Alex Moes on Wednesday, May 25, 2016
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5/25/2016 at 10:20 PM

As mentioned the other day, i've disconnected Odin from every parent except Borr.

The lineage for Ida, king of Bernicia given in the ASC shows him as a descendant of "Woden" then back to Geat. Currently Ida is not connected to Odin, {Norse God}, instead he connects to Odin thru Odin's son Baldur, {Norse God}.

In the ASC Odin's son for this line is named as "Beldeg" which is near enough for me to match Baeldaeg so i am planning to disconnect this profile from Odin and connect it to Woden...


Reading the About of the Baeldaeg profile it clearly represents the god Baldur/Balder/Baldr, son of Odin. says:

"Beldeg. According to Snorri's prologue Beldeg was identical to Baldur and ruled in Westphalia. There is no independent evidence of the identification of Beldeg with Baldur. From Beldeg the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle traces the kings of Bernicia and Wessex."

So I am thinking to move the current profile to be a son of Woden and make a new profile (or find an existing one) for Baldur the son of Odin. Then cut the About from the existing profile and paste it into the new Baldur profile.

Not really asking permission, just leaving a trail of what i have done and why :)

5/25/2016 at 11:18 PM

Candidate for the "other" Balder: Baldur, {Norse God}

5/27/2016 at 3:19 AM

Anne Brannen, how does this fit with the merges you completed today?

I am thinking instead of leaving the "Baeldaeg" profile where it is just re-branding as Baldur then transferring the Wessex lineage to the "Balder" profile and re-branding that as Baeldaeg.

5/27/2016 at 5:21 AM

Alex Moes -- ah, yes.

Basically when I am in the business of cleaning up an entire medieval duplicate tree, full of errors, I'm mostly trying to keep the Master Profiles intact. Way too much going on to figure out the varieties of Balder. So I just merge and detach and resolve and move on.

An entire tree. Anglo Saxons. Charlemagne. Normans.

But aside from that, in my more measured life, I agree. The Balder discrepancies have bothered me as well. Different lines got mixed up.

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