ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, June 10, 2016
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Showing 5191-5212 of 5212 posts

Private User,
Letitia Daunt & Shaw Busteed are now public profiles. The manager abandoned her tree in 2014 but there is no one to replace her. I've found quite a few other zombies which I'll switch for you.

Thanks Ann!

Private User,
I merged the two profiles of Christiaan Jacobus Parkin. I then chose his correct date of birth (1893), added his baptismal record (almost at the top of the page) as his profile picture and then the date and place he was baptised to Geni.

Thank you.

Angus does good work. He's helped me out two...three dozen times since I registered. He's good people. (Check's in the mail, buddy.)

Actually, they all do a great job helping out the newbies. Good people. Good attitudes. Always willing to help.

As for people who don't listen, that can't be helped sometimes.

Yep. Angus, Erica and the whole crew are awesome. 'Nuff said!

Please undo the merge. Thank you.

Fleming McSparran

Private User

Unmerge running

Could a curator please make this a MP and in the header field "Not the wife of Fleming McSparan". I seem to have lost the discussion thread to make profiles MP's. Thank you.

Elizabeth Eckman

Oops, it's actually McSparran

Hi all I just upgraded to pro but it only letting me into blue Tabs what else can I do with this pro. It not letting me go and confirm trees under Brown or green or get family search items.

Yeah, well - as you just found out - there really isn't much a Basic user is unable to do that a Pro can do.

To make use of the SmartMatches and Record Matches you need BOTH a Pro Subscription from Geni and a Database Subscription from MyHeritage (not their paid -
ie Premium - Membership subscription, though).

The Pro Membership also means when you do a Geni-Search and it pulls up Public Profiles you can click on them and will never get the Ad-For-Pro screen - for Basic Members they have to use google or some other search engine to go to those Profiles.

That and accessing the Tree Matches and being able to submit tickets to Help/Customer Support when there are problems may be it for benefits of just having the Pro. Anybody know any others?

Louis thanks I will think about this not sure if will keep pro but will try out for the trial period to see if can figure it out.


One thing missing from Lois' reply is that being a Pro allows you to complete merges. A Basic user can only complete the one that brings then into the World Family Tree.


I trotting to do merges here but I hope I not messing stuff up I can see some have different dates ect but same person I know. I found my brother so trying to get his tree merged with mine and in the projects.

Billie June Keaffaber,

This is one that you need either a curator or someone from that tree to accept your request. I'm going to do it for you as soon as I have posted this message.


Billie June Keaffaber,

I have left all of the data conflicts for you to clear up.


Thanks I working on getting stuff done when I figure out how lol. I can see my brother stuff hopefully when he gets on he will like wow lol.

This thread has gotten long and unweildy. Continued at

Showing 5191-5212 of 5212 posts

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