Nathaniel Merriman - Wives of Nathaniel Merriman - Joan or Abigail.

Started by Private User on Sunday, June 12, 2016
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Private User
6/12/2016 at 9:22 PM

The bio information conflicts with the children assigned to each wife.
The 1850 Historical catalogue of the members of the First church of Christ in New Haven, Connecticut (Center church) shows that in 1661, Nathaniel and his wife Joan (no last name) became members in 1661.
So this means they were married BEFORE 1680. It seems like all the children were BORN before 1661, when some of the children were baptized in New Haven.

So are all of the children from a first wife, and not Joan?
Do we have any sources for a marriage with Abigail or Joan?

The Families of Ancient New Haven, Vol. V, pg. 1167, states that there is no basis for the Abigail Olney marriage.

What is the source for Joan being a Lines?

None of the children are named Joan, one is named Abigail.

Let's discuss?

6/12/2016 at 9:38 PM

Just picking up some snippets from

Three children of Nathaniel were baptized on 27 June 1661. This indicates that Nathaniel and his wife were probably not members of the church prior to that date. The seating list of the meeting-house for 20 Feb. 1661 mentions Sister Merriman, the prefix " Sister " indicating that she was then a member. A list of the members of the first church in New Haven, compiled by Henry White about 1850, contains the names of Nathaniel Merriman and Joan (Nathaniel) Merriman as members in 1661; the date of
death of Nathaniel is given as 1694 but that of Joan is not stated. It does not seem to follow from this compilation that the name of the Sister Merriman who is mentioned in the seating list was really Joan; this name might have been obtained by White from some later record which showed
Nathaniel and Joan to be then husband and wife. The fact that no daughter or granddaughter of Nathaniel was named Joan may perhaps warrant the inference that she was not the mother of his children.


6/12/2016 at 9:49 PM


As regards Nathaniel Merriman's children born in New
Haven, records seem to differ somewhat. On the New
Haven Register of Vital Statistics, they are given as follows:

Births: Hanah dau. of Nathaniell, May 16, 1651.

Abigail dau. of Nathaniell, Apr. 18, 1654.

Mary dau. of Nathaniel, July 12, 1657.

John son of Nathaniell, Feb. last, 1659.

Samuell son of Nathaniell, Sept. 29, 1662.

Caleb son of Nathaniell, May, 1665.

Sons of Nathaniell [among records of 1667].

Elizabeth dau. of Nathaniell, Sept. 14, 1669.
Death: John son of Nathaniell, Sept. 26, 1651.

Of these we find baptisms as follows: John, Abigail, and
Mary, all on June 27, 1661; Caleb, June 25, 1665.!

6/12/2016 at 9:52 PM

Joan, who was the wife of Nathaniel Merriman when
he wrote his will in 1692, survived him by fifteen years.
Her maiden surname is unknown and it is thought that
she was a second wife and not the mother of his children.
But through all the years at Wallingford, she had the care
of those children among discomforts and trials of which w e


at the present day can scarcely form a conception. To
her also let all honor be due.

6/12/2016 at 10:04 PM

The last will and testament of Nathaniel Merriman is
recorded in the Probate Court of New Haven, Vol. II, pp.
146-149. The inventory of his estate follows immediately
after the will. In the following copy the antique spelling
of words has not been followed, except in proper names,
and modern punctuation has generally been introduced.

Nathaniell Merriman his last will & testament made
June 6, 1692. I Nath 11 Merriman being stricken in years,
not knowing the time of my dissolution, & desirous to settle
things respecting that little outward estate God hath
bestowed upon me, upon my surviving relations so as may
prevent strife & contention between them when I shall
have departed this life, hoping therefore that what shall
be hereafter written may effect the same.

In the name of God, Amen. I Nath 11 Merriman of
Wallingford, being in perfect sense & competent measure
of health, do by these presents publish & declare that what
shall be hereafter written is my last will and testament.
Of which my will and testament I do by these appoint,
constitute & ordain my beloved wife Joane Merriman
and my youngest son Caleb Merriman to be the joint
executors. And so whensoever it shall please Almighty
God to take me away out of this world by death, I do wil-
lingly commit my body to the earth from whence it was
taken & my spirit to God that gave it me.



And after all my due & just debts & decent burial are
discharged, I give to my beloved wife during the time of
her natural life in this world the full right, use & improve-
ment of the one-half part of my dwelling house & barn &
the half part of my home lot whether pasture or other
land, & of the orchard. Moreover as aforesaid & in like
manner I give to my beloved wife one-third part of all
other lands lying in the first division so called, whether
corn land, meadow land, or woodland, or pasture land,
fenced or unfenced, except such parcels as are already
disposed of to my other two sons John or Samuell, or shall
be hereafter disposed of by sale or gift before my death.
As also one-third part of the meadow in New Haven bounds,
except as aforesaid what I have made over to my two sons
John & Samuell or shall be disposed of by gift or sale before
my death. Also one-third part of what land I have in the
great common field which was granted to me by the town
upon the account of second division land.

Item. I give & bequeath to my son Caleb Merriman
the other half part of my house & barne, homelot, orchard,
pasture, or corn land. Also the other two-thirds part of
all first division lands, corn land, meadow, pasture or wood-
land, and two-third? parts of the meadow in New Haven
bounds & of all land in the common field which was granted
by the town on account of second division land, except as
aforesaid what is or hereafter shall be disposed of by gift
or sale before my death, & immediately after my death
my said son Caleb to take full possession of as his own to
use & improve, enjoy, or otherwise dispose of, as he shall
see cause, saving my wife's right to any part of the crop
which may at the present be upon the ground. And at the
decease of my beloved wife then the other third part of all
lands as aforesaid & the other half part of house, barn,


homelot, with all appurtenances as aforesaid to return to my
said son Caleb. And so the whole of all my housing & lands
as aforesaid to be and remain to him as his own proper
right and inheritance forever, only if my servant William
Hanrey continue to serve out his time agreed upon, then
the agreement on my part to be performed by the executors.
Moreover I give and bequeath to my said son Caleb the whole
of all my second division land & in any other divisions
that shall of right belong to me according to bounds &
quantity entered in the town records, he my said son paying
to my daughter Mary Curtis the full & just sum of five
pounds as a legacy at or before the end of twelve months
after my decease and probation of this my will.

As for my other two sons John & Samuell Merriman, they
having already received their portions in housing, lands,
cattle and other estate, my will is that each of them have
twenty shillings paid to them by the Executors as a legacy
at or before the end of twelve months after my decease &
probation of my will.

Moreover my will is that what swine or sheep my son
Caleb shall breed up as his own during the time we live
and carry on together, those swine or sheep being put to
those that are reputed mine, at my decease the whole being
equally divided, that my beloved wife shall have one half
and my son Caleb the other half. As for horned or neat
cattle, or horse kind, my son Caleb his share being already
delivered to him, my will is that of the principal & of the
increase what is remaining at my decease be all his portion
of such cattle or horse kind, & all the rest of such cattle
or horse kind either in hand, or running in the woods, that
are properly mine at my decease, my will is that my beloved
wife shall have one- third part, & the other two-thirds parts
to be divided equally amongst my surviving daughters.


Moreover I give to my son Caleb all manner of tools
or instruments used about husbandry or carpenters works,
as cart wheels, plans, plow irons, chains, hoops, boxes,
axes, hatchets, hoes, & all such like things, except one ax
and hoe for the use of my servant Wm Henry, or any other
man servant that my wife may have occasion to keep for
her use. Item, I give to my son Caleb my military books,
my cutlash & sash, my best gun & all other accoutrements
belonging to military affairs, except complete arms &
amunition according to law for any one man servant that
my wife may have occasion to keep.

Moreover I give to my beloved wife the bed, bolster &
pillows, with a pair of the best sheets, the best rug & blanket,
the curtains & vallanse, together with the bedstead, all
which we have usually reposed in during the time of our
living together. After which it is my will that all manner
of my household stuff, as beds, bedding, bedsteads, linen,
woolen, pewter, brass, iron, wooden, earthen, & whatsoever
comes under the denomination of household stuff, excepting
the great table and the stillyards, be divided, the one half
to be to my beloved wife, the other half amongst my sur-
viving daughters, & as for all my wearing aparell it is my
will that it be equally divided amongst my surviving sons.

To which & to all the premises set to my hand & seal this

We whose names are under written do testify that on the
Nath 11 Merriman of Wallingford desired us to
attest to the above & on the other side witness that it was
his last will and testament.

Before the premises were signed & sealed the town began
to speak of appropriating all the Plains, which if it come to
pass, whatsoever part or parts falleth to my lot, it is my
will that my beloved wife shall enjoy the one-third part of


it during the time of her natural life, & at her decease to
return to my son Caleb to be to him as all the rest before
mentioned. To which all the premises I said Nath 11
Merriman have set my hand & seal September gth, 1692.

his seal [s]

We whose names are under written testify that upon
the ninth of September in the year of our Lord one
thousand six hundred ninety-two the before written Nath 11
Merriman showed us this writing & told us it was his last
will & testament & signed & sealed it in our presence &
desired us to witness to it.


I Sworn in Court

Febr 8, 169! Lt. Nath 11 Merriman declared to us by good
deliberation & consideration that his military books & his
fan to fan corn & his carpenter tools should be divided
among his three sons & they shall have an equal share in


LL _ ,\ Sworn in Court.


6/12/2016 at 10:37 PM

I have a copy of the book "Reunion of Descendants of Nathaniel Merriman at Wallingford, CT June 4 1913 with a Merriman Genealogy for Five Generations" compiled by Donald Lines Jacubus and others. Reference is made by Donald Lines Jacobus M.A. (who was tenth in descent from Nathaniel through his daughter Abigail Merriman) that he married Joan ? who was born about 1628 and died in Wallingford 8 December 1709. Lieut Nathaniel Merriman, in his Will of 6 June 1692, mentions his wife "Joane": sons, John, Samuel and Caleb; daughter Mary Curtis; and surviving daughters (New Haven Probate, Vol. 2 P. 146.) the Book also cites ten children all born in New Haven: Nathaniel, b. about 1647, John, b. about 1649, d. 26 Sept 1651, Hannah, born 16 May 1651, Abigail, b. 18 April 1654, Mary, b. 12 July 1657, John b. 29 Feb 1659/60, Samuel, b. 29 Sept 1662, Caleb, b. May 1665, Twin Sons b. 1667, died young and Elizabeth, b. 14 Sept 1669. I cannot find any reference to another marriage in this particular book. I would like to know more.
I have birth date for Joan Lines of 20 October 1628 (dau of John Lines of Badby, Northamptonshire, England) and a date of death of 8 December 1709 Wallingford. Date of death is referenced in the Reunion book.
Nathaniel Merriman and Joan(e) Lines are my 9th Great Grandparents.
Still trying to reference more information which may be helpful.

6/12/2016 at 10:49 PM

Hi Coralle - yes, that's the book I was just extracting from. Good stuff on the England find of his father in the London Company of Coopers!

It seems that Joan was his 2nd wife & widow & not the mother of the children. I didn't see any reference to the name of a first wife.

I also think the "Lines" is picked up from descendant, genealogist Donald Lines Jacobus.

6/13/2016 at 2:57 AM

Hi Erica, All I can say is that Joan must have been a real trooper looking after her hew family. I was typing away and then your huge thesis came in. Wow, you must have lightning fingers.

I think you are right regarding the "Lines" surname. Now I must read that book again. Genealogy books are usually a bit dry but when you strike a forefather/mother, it is the icing on the proverbial genealogy cake.

Did you go to the 2013 Nathaniel Merriman Reunion? If you like, I can send you some photographs through that were sent to me.

Private User
6/13/2016 at 6:49 PM

This was an interesting read too.

Donald Lines Jacobus, in the American Genealogist, Vol. 9, 1932-33, pg. 91-93, just does not want to believe the Olney connection. Maybe it is the Lines influence.

Private User
6/13/2016 at 6:51 PM

Erica Howton Thank you so much for your hard work on these mysteries.

Tagging Joan or Abigail Merriman and Joan or Abigail Merriman to bring them into the fold/discussion.

8/31/2020 at 4:21 PM

Nathaniel Merriman

Joan or Abigail Merriman

Joan or Abigail Merriman

Nathaniel Merriman

Joan or Abigail Merriman
Nathaniel Merriman (abt. 1613 - abt. 1694)
Capt. Nathaniel Merriman
Born about 1613 in London, Middlesex, Englandmap [uncertain]
ANCESTORS ancestors
Son of George Merriman and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Husband of Joan (Unknown) Merriman — married [date unknown] [location unknown]

Disp uted Information
Nathaniel was not born 2 Jun 1613 in Tenterden. He was not the son of Theophilus.

Nathaniel did not marry Abigail Olney, or Joan LInes, daughter of John LInes

See Space:Theophilus Merriman. The False Pedigree and Information about Nathaniel Merriman for detail.

9/1/2020 at 11:18 AM

I don’t quite understand the “false wives” as posted here

Does anyone else get it ?

9/1/2020 at 11:22 AM

OK I see this separately.

Who Was Abigail Olney?

Wife of Nathaniel Merriman?

Nathaniel Merriman, "he married (first ) in 1649, in England, Abigail Olney. He married (second in 1680, at Hadley, Massachusetts, Jane Lines.[1] From a William Cutter, vanity genealogy.

The online biographies say she was born about 1628; died in 1709; married about 1649, as his first wife, Nathaniel Merriman of New Haven and Wallingford.

There are claims that she was the daughter of William Olney of Killingworth, Connecticut.

Non-existent person

Families of Ancient New Haven makes the statement "No basis of fact has been found for oft-repeated statements that he m (1) Abigail Olney."[2] She was named Joan in Nathaniel's will.

The New Haven Colony Records do not mention Nathaniel Merriman's wife. The town Records mention her three times, each time referring to her only as Goodwife Merriman.[3] Although interestingly the index lists her as Mrs. Joan Merriman.

IGI Indexed records - No one surnamed Olney baptized in Kent (Nathaniel's home) 1600-1650.
Search at - no one named Olney bapt, married, died in Kent 1610-1650 Search for William Olney, Killingworth, Connecticut, Any time. nothing Search for ______ Olney, Killingworth, Connecticut, Any time. nothing
Barbour Collection of Conn. Vital Records- There are no Olney's listed until the 1800s
There was a Thomas Olney in Providence. He had no descendants named Abigail until the 1700s.[4]

There is no evidence that she was the wife of Nathaniel Merriman.

There is no evidence that she existed.

9/1/2020 at 11:38 AM

I agree that “Abigail Olney” seems a chimera (did not exist). Geni has her as the daughter of Thomas Olney & Mary Ashton. I’ve added the note to profile:

===Disputed Origins

Thomas Olney, Sr & Marie Olney did not have a child “Abigail” (or Joan). Ref: “ When he arrived in Boston he was accompanied by his wife, Marie Small, born 1605, who died be fore 1679, and children Thomas, Jr., age 3, and Epenetus, age 1. They had in America other ch ildren: Nebediah, Stephen, James, Mary and Lydia. (*Some sources give the wife of Thomas Olne y as Marie Ashton.)“


I’ll look for the William Olney mentioned to make sure he had no Merriman daughters. If I can’t find children for him, I think we should go forward combining “Abigail” into Joan.

9/1/2020 at 12:24 PM

Well, William Olney did have a daughter “Abigail or Joan” apparently.

Joan or Abigail Merriman

Besides Thomas Olney, there was only one other Olney I could find who came to New England in the early to mid 1600's. William Olney and his wife Joan Bird lived in Wallingford, CT. They have only one attested child: Abigail Olney who married Nathaniel Merriman.


So we need to study this more.

Private User
9/20/2020 at 11:32 AM

I am of the position that there was one wife Joan or Jane Lines - no Abigail. Thanks.

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