Margaret Winslow - Hicks/Winslow

Started by Private User on Wednesday, June 29, 2016
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Private User
6/29/2016 at 10:59 AM This description has the year she died, If this is valid. and this is of Robert Hicks WITH names of his children however the years are off.

Do these seem legitimate ?

6/29/2016 at 1:59 PM

No. There is only a 1978 article suggesting that Robert Hick's wife Margaret "could have been" a Winslow. No searches have turned up supporting evidence.

6/29/2016 at 2:13 PM

In other words, I agree with what's in the Geni profile for Margaret Winslow (added before Wikitree existed) and have disconnected her from Robert Hicks.

6/29/2016 at 2:30 PM

Here's the Master Profiles for Robert Hicks, of the Plymouth Colony and his wife Margaret Hicks

Private User
7/2/2016 at 2:23 AM

This has nothing to do with the subject but I just tried to post in another spot , a complete and when I hit post I got in red -650. So basically I am complaining about the fact Geni considers any pictures posted as there's, which I don't think is legal and not morally legal. I posted family photos on profiles, thinking I was sharing with others on the site. Imagine my surprise when I was on google and typed my grandfather's name and found those pictures on their with the disclaimer that they were the property of Geni . Geni has all rights and copywriters. I never legal signed anything and I am sure no one else has either. So does Geni give credit to the people who submit pictures as they are from so and so's family collection. They should credit the orinal owners and what if I decided to publish my own info that I collected on my own for a number of year, old school. I need to contact someone who knows more about this then I do.

Private User
7/2/2016 at 6:30 AM

Now to be on subject. I has a life long friend who was married to a Winslow. and his sister graduated with me. They are connect directly obviously to this group/ I don't know how much Merle knows about Stan's line. But Sylvia sometimes goes to the Lynnfield mass group of gen.I am going blank on what group I think it's the Essex one. I have magazine from when I was a member. I will have to see if I can find out what they have. Two of us happen to live in the same Senior Housing. And her building is across from mine.

11/8/2018 at 3:44 PM

Torrey's New England Marriages before 1700 - considered a very reliable source - includes the Robert Hicks/Margaret Winslow marriage on p.749.

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