Edward Lewis - Lewis of South Wales UK

Started by Brian Jenkins on Friday, September 23, 2016
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9/25/2016 at 7:02 AM

Hi Brian,
What a marvelous piece of research you have just posted. It is a wonderful genealogical work and you receive high praise. We have spoken before as I have an interest in the Lewis history. My husband is a Purnell from South Wales and his ancestor, Hill Purnell married Sarah Lewis in Cardiff in 1826. She was the daughter of Thomas Lewis and Sarah Pride. This Thomas Lewis seems to have come from a cadet branch of the family and may have been disinherited. Anyway, we cannot trace him. I am also in contact with two Purnell cousins: Dr Jill Harland and Melissa Purnell in NZ and we are all working on it. Perhaps you could send me your email address and we could correspond some more? Mine is gilespie@iafrica.com
Go well, Daphne Beames

9/27/2016 at 10:22 AM

Love this piece of research! My grandmother was a Lewis! Love it!

10/1/2016 at 10:18 AM

Thanks Holly

Hi Daphne, I remember doing some research for you but not finding anything, sorry. Nice to hear from you again.


10/1/2016 at 10:59 AM

It appears the hotel have taken the history down, if interested in the research please email them for a copy or ask them to put it back up on: enquiries@newhousehotel.com

A lot of work went into that so I`m disappointed it was taken down.


What was your grandmothers name?

10/1/2016 at 11:19 AM

Oops - I have found the Newhouse History in a different location:


Built by Thomas Lewis in the 1730`s

10/2/2016 at 4:21 PM

I printed it out after just reading your message. Is that Okay? I hope so! My Lewis grandmother is Edith Ann Lewis, daughter of William Phelps Lewis, etc. The Lewis family that I am a descendant of goes back to The Mayflower passengers - Gregory Priest and the Allertons!!!

12/3/2022 at 12:49 PM

I"m sure that this line is long dead but I would be interested in the work that was mentioned on the Lewis family.

I have just started tracing it, and I have been able to trace it back to Edmund Lewis and his moving the family line to the Massachusettes Bay colony in 1634.

Is this document still available anywhere?

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