Rabbi Yosef Moshe Schapira - Family members of the Bris Avrom - Yosef Moshe Shapira

Started by Private User on Monday, May 15, 2017
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  • Private User
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Private User
5/15/2017 at 5:44 PM

Here is a list of family members and descendants listed at the back of Rabbi Yosef Moshe's work Bris Avrom. If you can identify any of them on Geni or make the link to this profile it will be much appreciated.

1) Relative - Shlomo Yoel Wilner. (Perhaps also related to Reb Shmiel Wilner AB"D Helitch whose descendant married R' Yosef Moshe's descendant. In fact the term ש"ב used in the list could perhaps only refer to this connection. See below numbers 5 and 6, 22 and 23, 26 and 27).
2) Relative - Yosef Elkana Schapira
3) Relative- Mendel Ornstein
4) Grandson - Moshe Schapira
5) Relative - Berel Stock - Dov-Ber Stock
6) Grandson, son of Berel Stock (5) - Mordechai Stock - Mordechai Stock.
7) Grandson, son of Berel Stock (5) - Moshe Stock - יוסף משה הכהן Stock
8) Grandson, son of Berel Stock (5) - Chaim Stock - Chaim Stock
9) Grandson in law, son in law of Berel Stock (5) - Zvi Deligdish
10) Grandson - Meir Segal. Probably a son or grandson of Yisroel Halevi, Rabbi in Załośce
11) Relative - Chaim Zvi Zuckerkandel
12) Grandson - Shimshon Wolfsohn - Shimshon Samson Mandel Wolfson
13) Grandson - Chaim Schapira
14) Grandson - Avrohom Dovid Wolfsohn
15) Relative - Avrohom Falik
16) Relative - Mendel Lewinter
17) Grandson - Meir Schapira - Meir Schapira
18) Grandson - Mordechai Wolfsohn
19) Relative - Avigdor Labiner
20) Grandson - Mattisyahu Bleich - Mattisyohu Bleich
21) Relative - Zev Sass
22) Relative - Chaim Ber Epstein
23) Grandson, son of Chaim Ber Epstein (22) - Yudel Epstein
24) Grandson - Anschel Yeger
25) Grandson - Yisroel Meir
26) Relative - Hersh Leib
27) Grandson, son of Hersh Leib (26) - Yeshaya
28) Grandson - Kehos Moshe - see Khos Moshe Mandel son of Shimshon Samson Mandel Wolfson (12)
29) Grandson, son of Kehos Moshe (28) - Alter
30) Relative - Moshe Dovid Milgram
31) Relative - Avrohom Gellish
32) Grandson - Herzel Wolfsohn
33) Granson - Chaim Mordechai Pick
34) Relative - Elozor Katz
35) Relative - Yisroel Kleiner
36) Grandson - Dovid Wolfsohn
37) Grandson - Hirsh Schapira
38) Grandson - Shimshon Wolfsohn. see 12) above?
39) Grandson - Shmuel Wolfsohn
40) Grandson - Shmuel Katz. Perhaps son of 34?
41) Grandson - Nechemia Rosenzweig
42) Grandson - Yisroel Bleich - descendant of Zev Wolf Bleich
43) Grandson - Moshe Zeidman

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