I wonder if this "Hacket" is one of two closely related individuals better known as "Desiderius" (both aka "Haket" or "Hacket"). The first is the son of Emerard, the second is the nephew of the same. The death date of the latter lines up with this profile (which if true means he should be the nephew, not son of Emerard).
Likewise based on the date alone, he should be the first cousin (not brother) of Bertulf the Chancellor.
Again based on the date, Aganitrude should be his (first cousin once removed? or second cousin? sorry, calculating kinship is difficult for me but hopefully you get the idea) -- not daughter.
The following information for this family group is all quoted verbatim from Medlands:
[Two possible] siblings, parents not known:
1. EREMBALD (-after 1089). Galbert of Bruges names "Boldranni homo et miles…Erembaldus, de Furnis natus" when recording that he murdered "Boldrannus castellanus…in Brudgis", married his widow, and took "vicecomitatum"[44]. The Passio Karoli Comitis Auctore Anonymo records that "Eremboldum" as "dapiferum" of "Bruggis quidam pretor…Holdrannus" during the time of Robert I Count of Flanders, adding that he murdered Holdran and married his widow[45]. Châtelain de Bruges. “Cononis de Emis, Radulfi camerarii, Rodberti pincernæ, Gerardi præstabularii, Galteri dapiferi, Athelardi filii Cononis, Erembaldi castellani Brugensis, Rodberti filii eius...” witnessed the charter dated 31 Oct 1089 under which "Rodbertus...Flandrensis marchio, comitis Rodberti agnomine Fresonis filius" conferred the functions of "cancellarium" on the provost of Bruges St. Donat[46]. m as her second husband, DEDDA [Duva], widow of BAULDRAN, daughter of ---. Galbert of Bruges names "Dedda vel Duva" as wife of "Boldrannus castellanus…in Brudgis", adding that she married secondly "miles…Erembaldus" who had murdered her first husband[47]. The Passio Karoli Comitis Auctore Anonymo records that "Eremboldum" as "dapiferum" of "Bruggis quidam pretor…Holdrannus" during the time of Robert I Count of Flanders, adding that he murdered Holdran and married his widow[48]. Erembald & his wife had five children:
a) ROBERT [III] (-after 19 Jan 1109). The Passio Karoli Comitis Auctore Anonymo names "Robertum, Lambertum Nappim, Disdir cognomento Hakith, Ulfric et Bertulfum" as children of "Erembaldum" and his wife[49]. “Cononis de Emis, Radulfi camerarii, Rodberti pincernæ, Gerardi præstabularii, Galteri dapiferi, Athelardi filii Cononis, Erembaldi castellani Brugensis, Rodberti filii eius...” witnessed the charter dated 31 Oct 1089 under which "Rodbertus...Flandrensis marchio, comitis Rodberti agnomine Fresonis filius" conferred the functions of "cancellarium" on the provost of Bruges St. Donat[50]. Galbert of Bruges names "prepositum Bertulfum, Haket, Wulfricum Cnop, Lambertum Nappin…Robertum" as the children of "Erembaldus" and his wife, adding that Robert succeeded his father as Châtelain de Bruges[51]. Robert Count of Flanders confirmed the possessions of Cambrai Saint-Aubert “in villa de Keans” by charter dated 1102, in the presence of “...Roberti castellani de Brugis...”[52]. "Roberto Castellano, Lamberto Nappino, Adam de Formosela, Galtero Curtracensi Castellano, Wenemaro Gandensi Castellano, Frumoldo Yprensi Castellano…" signed the charter dated 19 Jan 1109 under which "Robertus Roberti filius…comes Flandrensium" granted privileges to Voormezeele abbey[53]. m firstly ---. The name of Robert’s first wife is not known. m secondly ---. The Passio Karoli Comitis Auctore Anonymo names "Robertus infans dictus" as son of "Robertus" and his second wife[54]. Robert & his first wife had two children:
i) WALTER (-1115). The Passio Karoli Comitis Auctore Anonymo names "Walterus et Albertus" as sons of "Robertus" and his first wife[55]. Galbert of Bruges records that "filius eius Walterus" succeeded "Robertus" as Châtelain de Bruges[56]. Robert II Count of Flanders swore allegiance to Henry I King of England by charter dated 17 May 1101, witnessed by “...Walterus castellanus de Brugges...”[57]. "Lambertus Nappin, Haket frater eius, Wlfricus Cnoop, Walterus castellanus Brugensis…Isaac camerarius, Desiderius frater eius…" signed the charter dated to [1111/15] under which "Balduinus…Flandrensium comes" confirmed donations to Voormezeele abbey by "Isaac filii Adam", for the soul of "Adam patris Isaac de Formosela"[58].
ii) ALBERT. The Passio Karoli Comitis Auctore Anonymo names "Walterus et Albertus" as sons of "Robertus" and his first wife[59]. Galbert of Bruges names "prepositus Bertulfus ille Brugensis et frater eius castellanis in Brugis cum nepotibus suis Bordsiardo, Roberto, Alberto"[60]. Galbert of Bruges names "prepositus Bertulfus ille Brugensis et frater eius castellanis in Brugis cum nepotibus suis Bordsiardo, Roberto, Alberto"[61].
Robert & his second wife had one child:
iii) ROBERT. The Passio Karoli Comitis Auctore Anonymo names "Robertus infans dictus" as son of "Robertus" and his second wife[62]. Galbert of Bruges names "prepositus Bertulfus ille Brugensis et frater eius castellanis in Brugis cum nepotibus suis Bordsiardo, Roberto, Alberto"[63].
b) LAMBERT Nappim (-after 1111). The Passio Karoli Comitis Auctore Anonymo names "Robertum, Lambertum Nappim, Disdir cognomento Hakith, Ulfric et Bertulfum" as children of "Erembaldum" and his wife[64]. Galbert of Bruges names "prepositum Bertulfum, Haket, Wulfricum Cnop, Lambertum Nappin…Robertum" as the children of "Erembaldus" and his wife[65]. "Roberto Castellano, Lamberto Nappino, Adam de Formosela, Galtero Curtracensi Castellano, Wenemaro Gandensi Castellano, Frumoldo Yprensi Castellano…" signed the charter dated 19 Jan 1109 under which "Robertus Roberti filius…comes Flandrensium" granted privileges to Voormezeele abbey[66]. "Lambertus Nappin, Haket frater eius, Wlfricus Cnoop, Walterus castellanus Brugensis…Isaac camerarius, Desiderius frater eius…" signed the charter dated to [1111/15] under which "Balduinus…Flandrensium comes" confirmed donations to Voormezeele abbey by "Isaac filii Adam", for the soul of "Adam patris Isaac de Formosela"[67]. m ---. The name of Lambert’s wife is not known. Lambert & his wife had two child:
i) LAMBIN Morwater. The Passio Karoli Comitis Auctore Anonymo names "Lambinus Morwater et Fromoldus cognomento Borchardus" as sons of "Lamberto Nappim"[68].
ii) FROMOLD Borchard (-1128). The Passio Karoli Comitis Auctore Anonymo names "Lambinus Morwater et Fromoldus cognomento Borchardus" as sons of "Lamberto Nappim"[69]. Galbert of Bruges names "Lambertum Nappin" as father of "Borsiardi"[70]. Galbert of Bruges names "prepositus Bertulfus ille Brugensis et frater eius castellanis in Brugis cum nepotibus suis Bordsiardo, Roberto, Alberto"[71]. The Vita Karoli Comitis Flandriæ records the enmity between "Burchardus, nepos prepositi…filius…Lamberti fratris eius" and "Tagmarum…et nepotem eius Galterum"[72].
c) DESIDIRIUS Hacket (-after 1 Feb 1117). The Passio Karoli Comitis Auctore Anonymo names "Robertum, Lambertum Nappim, Disdir cognomento Hakith, Ulfric et Bertulfum" as children of "Erembaldum" and his wife[73]. "Lambertus Nappin, Haket frater eius, Wlfricus Cnoop, Walterus castellanus Brugensis…Isaac camerarius, Desiderius frater eius…" signed the charter dated to [1111/15] under which "Balduinus…Flandrensium comes" confirmed donations to Voormezeele abbey by "Isaac filii Adam", for the soul of "Adam patris Isaac de Formosela"[74]. Galbert of Bruges names "prepositum Bertulfum, Haket, Wulfricum Cnop, Lambertum Nappin…Robertum" as the children of "Erembaldus" and his wife, adding that "Haket" succeeded his nephew Walter as Châtelain de Bruges[75]. "Galterus custos Teruanensis, Haket castellanus Brugensis, Galterus castellanus Curtracensis, Baldwinus de Alost, Razo de Gavera…" signed the charter dated 1115 under which "Balduinus…Flandrensium comes" confirmed donations to Voormezeele abbey, with the consent of "Adam, Formosellenis castelli tunc domino"[76]. "Wenemarus castellanus Gandensis, Hachet castellanus Brugensis, Galterus castellanus Curtracensis, Baldewinus de Alost et Iwain frater eius, Razo de Gavera…" signed the charter dated 1 Feb 1117 under which "Balduinus…Flandrensium comes" confirmed donations to Voormezeele abbey[77].
d) ULFRIC Cnop. The Passio Karoli Comitis Auctore Anonymo names "Robertum, Lambertum Nappim, Disdir cognomento Hakith, Ulfric et Bertulfum" as children of "Erembaldum" and his wife[78]. Galbert of Bruges names "prepositum Bertulfum, Haket, Wulfricum Cnop, Lambertum Nappin…Robertum" as the children of "Erembaldus" and his wife[79]. "Lambertus Nappin, Haket frater eius, Wlfricus Cnoop, Walterus castellanus Brugensis…Isaac camerarius, Desiderius frater eius…" signed the charter dated to [1111/15] under which "Balduinus…Flandrensium comes" confirmed donations to Voormezeele abbey by "Isaac filii Adam", for the soul of "Adam patris Isaac de Formosela"[80]. The Vita Karoli Comitis Flandriæ records that "Vulfricus frater prepositi…Burchardus et alterius fratris eius Roberti filius Robertus, Guillemus quoque Viroviacensis, et Ingramno Esnensis, et Ysaac prepositi consanguineus" conspired to kill Charles Count of Flanders[81].
e) BERTULF. The Passio Karoli Comitis Auctore Anonymo names "Robertum, Lambertum Nappim, Disdir cognomento Hakith, Ulfric et Bertulfum" as children of "Erembaldum" and his wife, adding that Bertulf was "postea Sancti Donatiani prepositum"[82]. Galbert of Bruges names "prepositum Bertulfum, Haket, Wulfricum Cnop, Lambertum Nappin…Robertum" as the children of "Erembaldus" and his wife[83]. Galbert of Bruges names "prepositus Bertulfus ille Brugensis et frater eius castellanis in Brugis cum nepotibus suis Bordsiardo, Roberto, Alberto"[84]. The Vita Karoli Comitis Flandriæ names "prepositus quidam Brugensis, Bertulfus…archicapellanus et cancellarius totius Flandensis curie" prior to his accession as count[85].
f) [--- .] The identity of the parents of the wife of Robert de Kerseka is not known. Her father may have been one of the brothers of Bertulf named above. m ---. One child:
i) daughter. Galbert of Bruges records that "neptem prepositi" married "miles…comitis", naming him "apud Kerseca Roberto" in a later passage[86]. The Vita Karoli Comitis Flandriæ records that "quidam miles nobilis…in curia comitis" married "consanguineam…prepositi, que comitis ancilla esse diceretur"[87]. m ROBERT de Kerseka, son of ---.
g) [--- .] The identity of the parents of Aganitrude is not known. Her father may have been one of the brothers of Bertulf named above. m ---. One child:
i) AGANITRUDE. Her family background and two marriages are confirmed by the Vita Karoli Comitis Flandriæ which records that, after Charles Count of Flanders was killed, Bertulf took refuge with "Alardi Warnesunensis" who had married "neptem illius Aganitrudem", adding that she was "castri…sancti Audomari quondam castellanam"[88]. This source does not specify the name of her first husband, but as the châtelain de Saint-Omer is named Guillaume in the sources dated between 1113 and 1126, it is likely that this was the Aganitrude’s husband. m firstly [as his second wife,] GUILLAUME [I] Châtelain de Saint-Omer, son of --- (-before 1128). m secondly (1128) ALARD de Warneton, son of ---.
2. [--- .] The precise parentage of Isaac is not known, although the source quoted below shows that he was related to Bertulf. It is assumed that the relationship was more remote than uncle/nephew as the sources quoted in this document specify this relationship when it existed. An exception is one passage in Galbert of Bruges which refers to the wife of Guy van Steenvoorde as "neptem prepositi" (see below), although "neptem" could interpreted as referring to a more remote family relationship than niece. m ---.] Three children:
a) ISAAC (-after 1128). Chambellan de Flandre: "Lambertus Nappin, Haket frater eius, Wlfricus Cnoop, Walterus castellanus Brugensis…Isaac camerarius, Desiderius frater eius…" signed the charter dated to [1111/15] under which "Balduinus…Flandrensium comes" confirmed donations to Voormezeele abbey by "Isaac filii Adam", for the soul of "Adam patris Isaac de Formosela"[89]. The Vita Karoli Comitis Flandriæ records that "Vulfricus frater prepositi…Burchardus et alterius fratris eius Roberti filius Robertus, Guillemus quoque Viroviacensis, et Ingramno Esnensis, et Ysaac prepositi consanguineus" conspired to kill Charles Count of Flanders[90]. Galbert of Bruges names "Isaac et Borsiardus et Willelmus ex Wervi, Ingrannus" as the principle conspirators[91]. In a later passage, Galbert of Bruges names "miser Borsiardus et Isaac, servus et camerarius simul et homo comitis Karoli" as the murderers[92]. The Vita Karoli Comitis Flandriæ records that "Ysaac" fled after Charles Count of Flanders was killed[93].
b) DESIDERIUS (-17 Dec 1127). "Lambertus Nappin, Haket frater eius, Wlfricus Cnoop, Walterus castellanus Brugensis…Isaac camerarius, Desiderius frater eius…" signed the charter dated to [1111/15] under which "Balduinus…Flandrensium comes" confirmed donations to Voormezeele abbey by "Isaac filii Adam", for the soul of "Adam patris Isaac de Formosela"[94]. The Vita Karoli Comitis Flandriæ records that "Ysaac…frater eius Desiderius" fled after Charles Count of Flanders was killed[95]. Galbert of Bruges records the death "XVI Kal Jan" of "Desiderius frater Isaac"[96].
c) daughter. The Vita Karoli Comitis Flandriæ records that "Ysaac…sororis sue" married "Guido de Stenfordo"[97]. Galbert of Bruges names "Steenvordam, villam Widonis generi sui" (referring to "Isaac)", but in a later passage records that "Wido" had married "neptem prepositi…sororem Isaac"[98]. m GUY van Steenvoorde, son of ---.