Royce Denzil Davis, Sr - Spouse(s) of Royce Denzil Davis Sr.

Started by Private User on Friday, December 15, 2017
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Private User
12/15/2017 at 7:09 AM

I have no idea who the person surnamed Rann might be, nor the one named Lois J. Wray. I was Royce Denzil Davis Sr.'s second wife, and bore him 2 children. His first wife was named Rose (unknown), and she also bore him 2 children, one of whom still lives (royce Denzil Davis, Jr.) and the other, Mark Anthony Davis, was born aabout 1956, and is now deceased (date unknown). Both these sons were incarcerated from time to time. Both were born in Columbus, Ohio. My husband's third wife, to whom he was married but a short while when he was killed by police, was Maria (surname unknown),, who was originally from Honduras, and barely spoke any English. I believe she is still alive. Perhaps the two names you have listed for Denny were actually the wives of his eldest son, Royce Jr.?

12/15/2017 at 1:13 PM

I have placed what I have found in the about me - by wives you listed it seems he was married 4 times -

I know more documentation needs to be done but it seems scant right now

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