Nicholas Knapp - Parents of Nicholas Knapp

Started by Mattheiss Riegell XII on Saturday, December 30, 2017
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12/30/2017 at 7:23 AM

What evidence is there for the parents of Nicholas Knapp?

As I write this, there are two sets of parents attached to him:
Nicholas Knopp (1520 - 1604) & Alice Howlat (1525 - d.)
John Knapp, I (1536 - 1604) & Martha Blois (1565 - 1638)

I have not seen any sources for either set of parents, except for other unsourced family trees. I suggest that if we don't have any evidence, we should disconnect both sets of unproven parents from Nicholas Knapp, just as we did with his wife, Elinor.

Keith Riggle

12/31/2017 at 11:18 AM has parents as Thomas Knopp (1500-1613} and Alice Howlat {1525-1638) referring to

12/31/2017 at 2:09 PM

Thanks, John, but those dates are highly suspect, to begin with: Thomas Knopp & Alice Howlat would have lived to be 113, but 25 years apart. Remember that Nicholas Knapp was supposedly born in 1592; that would have made Thomas 92 and Alice 67!

The FamilySearch link you provided is part of their family tree, and the Ancestry source is someone's personal family tree, which in turn links to more family trees. It doesn't even list Nicholas as a child. These are not reliable sources.

@Jeanne Foy has already kindly disconnected all spurious parents from Nicholas. We should leave things that way until someone finds a valid source, such as a baptismal record.

7/3/2022 at 11:57 AM

Just a follow-up note that the FamilySearch profile for the corresponding Nicholas Knapp no longer lists any parents for him. It also puts his birth date at about 1606 in England, with no specific place listed. Several notes state, "Nicholas Knapp parentage is not known. While there are many opinions there is no documented establishment of his parentage."

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