Pot Family

Started by Kirstin Humann on Friday, January 26, 2018
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1/26/2018 at 3:01 PM

Hello all - I'm new here. Before working on research regarding my Pot/Pott ancestry line - and trying to brush up on my very out of date French, does anyone know whether this book is spurious or other resources that you would direct me to instead? I'm working on the Pot line in France to determine, if possible, whether any of them migrated to Ireland, Scotland, or England - based on the heraldry of some of the Pott family in those locations in the 1600s to 1800s. I am aware of Helen Simpson's book on Philippe Pot - and the corrections and additions she later published.

Histoire de Berry by Gaspard Thaumas de La Thaumassière
January 1, 1689


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1/27/2018 at 9:09 AM

Hello Kirstin
I am not sure I understand you well. As for reading the book you mentioned I find it difficult to read even though I am French. This is old French and some letters are used instead of others like S which looks like F, Y instead of I, O instead of A. I have not kept reading more than a page, It didn't seem very pleasing to read. But of course, I am not concerned by the province of Berry. so it would be less interesting for me.
I don't think it is a fraud. But on the other hand I don't think there is anything more about the province of Berry in a book dated 1667 and difficult to read than in a more recent one.
As far as your genealogy is concerned, I think you should start with your direct ancestors and try to go back in time and maybe you will find that some of your Pott ancestors came from France but starting the other way and assuming your Pott ancestors came from France and begin from assumed ancestors will lead you nowhere.
Start from what is certain and go back in time, you will soon find matching trees or if on GENI matching branches that relate you to the Big Tree.

1/28/2018 at 11:52 AM

I should clarify. I have successfully traced my direct ancestors to Ireland in the late 1600s. They bore arms discussed in Helen Simpson’s book regarding Philippe Pot, Grand Senechal of Burgundy, and she discusses her theory that based on the arms used in England (Cheshire and Norfolk), and Ireland (my line) that she believes those families came from France - perhaps via Flanders but that is family lore from the early 1800s (although supported by some actual historical records). She has other historical reasons for this belief (and she was a professional historian). The Pott/Potts line in Ireland married into a Trumperant family (query: Tromparent?) and for at least five generations all boys were given the middle name Trumperant - so there appear to be strong ties/reasons lost to history to keep that name alive. There are records of Huguenot Tromparents in France and the family in England and Ireland were all Protestant. Thus, I decided that instead of tracing back from 1600s/1700s where i’ve hit a brick wall with typical research methods (i’m lawyer well trained in probate law with a history background and when I practiced I also practiced in international estate planning law), I decided to take a different track and bring the Pot line from Berry/Burgundy/Rhodes forward. It may not result in a connection but with more resources available to all of us now than were easily available to Helen Simpson 100 years ago, it would be a continuation of her work at a minimum that could benefit others.

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