The will of Andrew McComb confirms that Elizabeth McCombe was the first wife of Robert Curry and also mentions their children.
[part of the will By my Executor at my wife's decease and I do hereby this my Last will and testament empower them one of them make a clear title for said plantation to the person or persons purchasing the same the one half of the price to fall in the hands of Robert Curry to Bee Equally Divided among all his children now in. Being that he had by my Daughter Elizabeth namely Andrew, Margret, Jean, William, Mary Robert, Elizabeth, Agnes] The full will is on Overview. There are not records of either marriage. The first child -William was born in 1746 and the last child born was Agnes born in 1760. So the first marriage was ca 1745 and the second was after 1760.
I hope the curators will make the change and add Elizabeth as the first marriage.
→ Roger Sheldon Scott
your father → Charles MacDonald Scott
his father → Charles Lincoln Scott
his father → Charles Benjamin Scott
his father → Esther Erwin
his mother → Benjamin Erwin/Ervin III
her father → Benjamin Erwin/Ervin II
his father → Mary Erwin
his mother → Dr. Robert Curry
her father
Can anyone provide evidence which proves that Doctor Robert Curry was the son of William Curry and Sarah Young?
He is presently identified as the husband of Ann Young, but it would appear that he was the son-in-law of Andrew McComb.
Can anyone provide evidence for the proposed marriage to Ann Young?