
Started by Private on Wednesday, September 12, 2018
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9/12/2018 at 3:13 PM

I have received my mtDNA results and I am L3b1. To date, I maintain that my current Mom is not my biological mother for a number of reasons. I am in discussions with other relatives who have a link to my DNA so that they are L3ba5.

Amazing. I am relatively new to this level of discussion on mtDNA and is willing to learn.

I am not sure what to expect going forward but the path on which I am embarking appears to lead somewhere exciting. I am one for the unexplored paths....

9/23/2018 at 3:34 AM

Hi Dee,
I am L3b that is from a woman slave LIJSBETH back in the 1650's she was given to Jan van Riebeeck( in 1657) by French amiral

9/24/2018 at 3:11 AM

Barbara Nicole Cailliau
Hey Barbara,
So glad to hear from you! I am so pleased to share in this discovery of another L3b like myself. This is the second bit of information that I have that points to our ancestry. The other came to me from Trinidad and Tobago where a cousin is a descendant from another slave woman called SALLY ANN. This gggg grand daughter is on the line L3ba5 as I hinted to previously.
If therefore you are L3b, then it is presumed that L3b is likely to be a base. Am I correct?
L3b (you)
L3ba5 (my relative likely to be a 4th cousin or closer according to AncestryDNA)

May I ask please whether you are also in the Caribbean?
I am domiciled in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. These islands were once colonised by the French and then the British. The latter remained as the greater of the two European nations and the influences of the British are with us up to today. Some influences of the French have survived in the names of villages and towns; the architectural structure of some of those towns and others. The name of the village where I live is Questelles.
Dee is my user name and my correct name is Doris Debra Williams - Charles.
I am looking for both of my parents it seems. Quite unusual at this time of my life. A chanced discovery as I was working on another project while stationed in the UK as a diplomat there. That project is on hold and I am now into my fifth DNA test with others as we await more results.
From a sibling test, I discovered that my presumed biological father is NOT my father and my siblings are NOT my siblings.
No help is gotten from my presumed maternal side and the results so far have pointed away from both parents with whom I was raised.
Quite an emotional discovery but it is what it is. I am thankful to them yet my search continues...

9/24/2018 at 7:30 AM

HI !
No my roots are SOUTHAFRICAN whites.
In 1650'S they imported women slaves to marry white men without wives.
We have Guineans Ethiopians Angolans.
The 191 germans living then were bachelors and had children with these womenof mit dna L3b are mostly Guineans

9/24/2018 at 10:33 PM

I see. This is completely new to my understanding! I thank you for your guidance here.

L3b are mostly Guineans from your part of the globe!

Blessings always,

9/29/2018 at 3:03 AM

Hi Dee.
If you look at the various mtDNA miration paths and timelines you will see that L3b, and the descendants - your L3b1, my L3b3, your friend's L3ba5, are all likely seperated by many tens of thousand of years.
So when my maternal ancestor was taken as a slave to South Africa in the 1600s, and yours between then and the 1800s to the Carribean, they already had that mtDNA.

9/29/2018 at 3:22 AM

migration paths

9/30/2018 at 5:02 AM

Aubrey StrydomGood morning Aubrey,
Indeed...thank you for your explanation. Tens of thousand of years..Phew! Looking for my Mother is like going through with the finest of needles in fields of wet grass trying to find - dry thread!!! (Smile)
Well I think I am assured of one thing - I am on the right track. The L3ba5 are three DNA cousins actually. One is female, one male (both siblings) and one is the son of the female. What I noted is that they are all younger than myself and I concluded that they have to be a sort of offshoot or something from my L3b1 to have resulted in L3ba5. Then you being L3b3 is closer to me in the lineup.
My search continues and I am persuaded somehow, I am going to find my parents. October 2016 I began actively searching...
Other DNA tests that I have completed have pointed me towards the smaller Grenadine islands as holding some significant 'finds'. We shall see how things turn out. I dedicate 2 hours each day to searching (paper trails, questions, discussions, double checking websites for new uploads - AncestryDNA, Gedmatch, Gedmatch Genesis, MyHeritage, familysearch.org and others. A daily ritual and one day I know I am going to find either of my parents alive. I am driven to this point. Oh how I wish I could find them by my birthday this year - 7 December! I am going to be 55 years old!
Have a blessed day Aubrey and thank you again.

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