Ariaantje Abrahamse Jacobs van Deventer, SM/PROG - Alternative Data after Merge

Started by Sharon Doubell on Friday, September 21, 2018
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9/21/2018 at 11:03 AM

Birth Date 25 December 1670 1702 25 May 1673

5/8/2023 at 9:22 AM

Hi Sharon,

I was just looking at the two records for baptism in Rotterdam that I have for Ariaantje.

The first is for 25 December 1670 -
The father is Jacob Abrahamse but the mother's name does not look anything like a 'Heiltjie' - the name appears to start with a B.

Then there is this one -
The child's name is Adriana, and the father is Jacob Abrahamse. The mother's name appears to be Heyltie on this one.

Any idea on which is most likely to be the relevant one?

5/8/2023 at 10:40 AM

Gee, that's difficult. I agree that the 2nd one is closer - but even then Heiltjie's surname doesn't seem to match.

5/9/2023 at 3:18 AM

Just wading in... what I can read:
First parents: Jacob Abramse and Hilletje Ariaens
Second parents: Jacob Abramse and Heijltje Adryens
So in my humble opinion both parents could be right. Stronger, there is a change that these are the same parents and it was just different people writing the baptisms down, each chosing their own spellings. Names weren't that fixed at all at that time in The Netherlands. Also most people couldn't read, so couldn't say that their name was written wrong anyway.
If it is the same parents then the first child probably died young, before the second was born. This is also descriped this way "[S377] Webpage South Africa's Stamouers ( "Adriana Jacobs, dogter van Jacob Abrahamse en Heiltje Arijens, is gedoop te Rotterdam in Nederland op 25 Mei 1673. Haar ouer suster Ariaentje wat vroeer algemeen aangegee is as ons stammoeder, sterf op 2-jarige ouderdom en word op 16 November 1672 te Rotterdam begrawe. [Johan van Deventer]" " on (webpage quoted in About).

Just my two pennies.

5/10/2023 at 3:11 AM

Also read that on Stamouers Hubert and was going to comment.
I have a Dutch website with records on it where I have found baptism originals and transcriptions for Arianetje and Adriana (same as what I posted from familysearch above - the transcriptions give Jacob and Heijltje as parents to both), as well as two other children - Elsien and Abram. Will load them later. Also found Jacob and Heijltje's marriage registration. Working my way through the site trying to find any death / burial records for Ariaentje.

5/10/2023 at 6:25 AM

Thank you :-)

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