William Hawkins, III - Another FAKE Hawkins Connection!

Started by Private User on Sunday, December 2, 2018
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He has been made to look like William Hawkins (the elder), RN - but he absolutely cannot be the same person, as Captain Hawkins never settled in North America (the closest he got to it seems to have been the West Indies) and died at sea en route from Africa to England in 1613.

Wife Sarah has been crocked into the "daughter of Mubarique Sha" whom Captain Hawkins married in India - but she never went to North America either, and eventually returned to her own people in India.

Not much seems to be known about William Hawkins "the younger", son of William Hawkins II and Mary Halse. (Some people think there was only one William, but in his will William Hawkins II explicitly referred to both "William Hawkins my eldest son" and "William my 4th son" ("by Mary" being understood from the context.)

Will of William Hawkins, York County, VA 24 March 1654, recorded 25 June 1655. I give at my death my entire estate to my wife Sarah. After her death all will go to my son in law Argall Backstone and his wife Alice Hawkins with two exceptions. First to my son in law John Wright husband of daughter Sarah - one Heifer. John is son of Edward Wright. Number two, a silver glaagon for the use of all the inhabitant of York Parish in the Church x the mark of William Hawkins.Witness X Humphreys. [bobsnow1-2-5780--Tom Hawkins.FTW]This individual was found on GenCircles at:http://www.gencircles.com/us ers/bobsnow1/2/data/5719 AFN: PLAC 21MT-DNQ

Note: Leaving everything to his wife, and then to two sons-in-law, is a very strong indicator that he had *no sons*.

There are apparently several William Hawkinses of uncertain origin who would be passable matches for William Hawkins "the younger". There's one over in Northampton County, Virginia, who married an Ann somebody and died before 28 April 1646, leaving a possible daughter Alice who was on her third marriage by then (to Henry Bagwell). (Wife Ann survived him, but for only about half a year.) http://espl-genealogy.org/MilesFiles/site/p560.htm#i55954

The will of William Hawkins of York seems to be written as the person believed his family was, not what the will said.
William Hawkins will is listed in York Deed, Orders,& Will Book Vol 1 page 254, There is a rewrite of the book which is easier to read listed as same vol and page 64.
William only listed his wife Sarah, son-in-law Argall Blackstone, GODSON John Wright son of Edward Wright. No Alice Blackstone, No Milicent, no Sarah Wright!

There are missed documents in early York County.

In a deed between John Chew and Jeffrey Powers, John Stated that he passed over One hundred and fifty acres to William Hawkins adjoyneth upon Thomas Attewel. Chew also says he formerly sold two hundred acres for Gleebland for the parish of York and Joyneing unto the land of William Hawkins. dated 20 January 1642.

Deed between Church Wardens and Peeter Rigby state the land was sold to them by John Chew 16 January 1642/43 for Glebe land. The wardens sold to Peeter Rigby on 15 May 1647. 200 Acres on N Side of Chismans River (Cheeseman) Joining William Hawkins.

After a survey it was found that house dwelling and orchard where as William Hawkins lives, was on said Rigby's plantation. Rigby deeded a small parcel of land, house and orchard to Thomas Hawkins the son of William Hawkins. So William did have a son named Thomas, but I found no other mention of him. York Deed,Order,&Will Book 2 page 302.

This Thomas is not Capt Thomas Hawkins of Old Rappahannock, his parents were Thomas (d before 1636) and Elizabeth of Charles River County (which later became York).

Although I would like to know if Alice Blackstone was the daughter of William Hawkins I see no document to prove that.

I find it odd that William Hawkins had to have someone pay his passage to the colony if he was from this Hawkins family. Or have Thomas Lucas pay the passage of his family.per bio.

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