Sir Harold Cooke, {Fictional} - Cooke/Coke/Cook Lines need untangling

Started by Anne Brannen on Tuesday, February 19, 2019
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2/19/2019 at 8:07 AM

In working on the fictional web tree hoax that makes up the upper branches of the Coke/Cook/Cooke line, I'm coming across several problems.

1) The top of the tree, for the Derbyshire Cokes, is Robert Coke, I (see Overview for link to Burke) -- it may be that the line goes back further, but I haven't found any evidence. Please provide it, if you know it! BUT! NO WEB TREES! Indeed, I've detached Robert from Sir Harold Cooke, {Fictional} who is his father in the web trees, and have labeled that upper branch fictional. This is because, though some of these people may have existed, the entire branch is contaminated by Outright Lies. (I will elaborate down at the bottom of this message.)

2) We have a London branch of the Cookes, and they may well exist, at least up to Harold Cooke, II but that line has been infected, above, by the fictional line. The name Harold was not in use at this time, so I'm concerned about this profile as well. But certainly the profiles above need to get cut off. At whatever point things become fictional. Sources?

(I'm concerned by the name Harold Oxwell Cooke, from 1390. WAY too early for a middle name.)

A Precis of How I Know The Top of the Tree Is Fictional:

Lady Mary Jessica Cooke, {Fictional} -- not only does have a middle name when she shouldn't; the name Jessica wasn't in use in England until the end of the 16th century.
Sir Harold Cooke, {Fictional} I'm troubled by the use of the name Harold in the 13th century, as it died out in England after the Conquest, and wasn't revived until the 19th century. I suppose it's remotely possible that somebody was using the name Gary at this time but Larnie? Really? I've never seen either in this time period. Also. Middle name. He has a bunch of impossible siblings, too. Marrie! Donnie! Danille! No.
Sir Alexander Cooke, {Fictional} Alexander was used in Scotland at this time but not England.
Lady Bettie Cooke, {Fictional} I like this one a lot. Bettie! in 1109! Sure!
Sir William Daniel Cooke, II, {Fictional} Not just a middle name, but two names that did not exist in England at this time. Because he is, apparently, born before the Norman Conquest.
Lady Katherine Cocke, {Fictional} Katherine did not as a name exist in England at this time.
Then there is a series of impossible Norman names being used in Anglo Saxon England, till you get to the top of the tree and discover -- Oh, frabjous day! -- An Hilarious Joke: Sir Norman Cook, {Fictional}

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