On Geni there are profiles in the Hungarian region with a first name of Wayana. In ancestry trees I can only find 7 profiles in trees with this first name (and none of these contained sources) and I haven’t been able to locate it in any records on family search or on anywhere on the internet.
Does anyone know if it traditionally belongs to a region or is a nickname of another name?
Here is an example profile Wayana Hönigsfeld
Looking at my.heritage trees they each have this person as Jonas rather than Wayana
* https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-1-469595321-5-21072/jona...
* https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-1-469595321-3-20047/jona...
* https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-1-469595321-4-20828/jona...
* https://www.ancestry.com.au/family-tree/person/tree/26010164/person...