Theunis de Bruyn, SV/PROG - Sources?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Saturday, June 15, 2019
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6/15/2019 at 8:45 AM

What are the Sources that link these profiles in a descent line: Frank de Bruyn, Schepen , Johannes de Bruijn , Theunis de Bruyn.
It provides a wonderful direct line to Charlemagne - but I'm worried it's just been hooked on for that reason.

Isn't a Floris supposed to feature somewhere?

6/15/2019 at 8:47 AM

Private and Ds. Matthys Gerhardus Müller. Thoughts?

6/16/2019 at 12:56 PM

Hi Sharon!

Vergun my eerstens 'n oorsig:

Overzicht van de leden van de familie De BruinIDe Bruyn De Romeinse cijfers geven de generaties aan, de cijfers en getallen ( ) achter de namen:

Floris Florisz De Bruyn (1) Anneke de Meller (niet genoemd
's-Hertogenbosch in het boekje)
de personen in het familieboekje, grotendeels in de volgorde waarop deze in het familieboekje verschijnen De aangetrouwde personen zijn niet genummerd

Frank Florisz De Bruyn (2) Jenneke N
vertrekt vanuit 's-Hertogenbosch naar Gorinchem in 1568

Floris de Bruyn (1564-1 639) (3) Jannetje Adriaansdochter
Speldenmaker in Gorinchem (over1 1624)

Franco (~rankjde) Bruyn (1608-1673) (4) Maria Verbeeck (1624-1 666)
koopman en schepen

(5) Johannes de Bruyn (1647-1681) (6) Anna van der Meer, geb 1642


Geneologie kan nie net regied op bronne gebou word nie. Die omstandigheids- of afleidingsfaktor moet ook in ag geneem word. Byvoorbeeld 'n persoon het gaan swem en is nooit weer gesien nie. Omstandigheids- of afleidingsfaktor:- vermoedelik dood asgevolg van verdrinking, todat die inteendeel bewys is


Bronne bevestig bogenoemde familie uitleg; asook die afleidingsfaktore is genoegsaam om die huidige profiel te handhaaf, totdat die inteendeel bewys is.

Hiermee sluit ek my deel van die diskussie af.


Thys Müller

6/17/2019 at 12:11 AM

So no Sources, or am I misunderstanding?

6/17/2019 at 12:55 AM
6/17/2019 at 2:31 AM

Dear Sharon and others ,
Since my mothers last name was de Bruijn I am in possession of a printed booklet “ Nederlands Patriciaat “ printed by CBG ( Centre of genealogical studies the Netherlands) that has done survey on this issue before printing these genealogical data . The booklet is also called “ the little green book” as there is also “ the little red book” that gives genealogical data of the dutch nobility. The green book deals with families of “political or sociological importance” in the view of the CBG . You could ask them to reveal their sources, but CBG will ask money for that as commercial institute . Yours sincerely
Age Lubbers

6/17/2019 at 6:10 AM

Private User

Private User
6/17/2019 at 10:08 AM

Very interesting. Age Lubbers, in that little green book, does it have Anna van der Meer and/or list her children by any chance? For South African descendants of De Bruyn, we want that link to Theunis de Bruyn

Private User
6/17/2019 at 10:25 AM

Sharon Doubell take a look at Eerw. Adrianus van Bergen, SV/PROG 2 and his path to Charlemagne....30 generations.

Private User
6/17/2019 at 10:39 AM

Eerw. Adrianus van Bergen, SV/PROG 2 also links to Philippa de Hainault and the Plantagenets. Because of the link through the Elseviers and the De Haros, there are numerous royal lines attached.

6/19/2019 at 7:27 AM

Dear Sharon Lee Doubell and Gary Neville van Wyk and others,

Theunis de Bruijn is not mentioned in the little green book (that appears to be in fact blue. I am sorry),
Anna van der Meer however is listed as the wife of Johannes de Bruyn (birth Gorinchem 24 dec 1647 student in Leiden 1665, cornet under ritmeester de Glimes 1673, died Breda 5 april 1681, they married Gorinchem 1673 (the first notice of which dates from 23 April 1673), her full name is Anna van der Meer van Berendrecht baptised Delft (old church O.K.) 4 march 1642 she was daughter of Maximiliaan and Emerentia van de Merwede van Clootwijk.
They had two children, according to the little blue book , the first son died young (no name or details presented) the second child is Franco Maximiliaan de Bruyn birth Gorninchem 23 january 1675, he made a last will and testament at Bergen op Zoom on 19 november 1698, never married, date of death unknown (according to the little blue book 1953 "Nederlands Patriciaat"CBG the Netherlands.

Private User
6/22/2019 at 8:36 PM

Thanks Age, OK that is not looking good for the connection to Anna van der Meer. Our challenge then is to try and find the parents of Theunis de Bruyn. Any ideas?

6/23/2019 at 1:01 AM

I think we need to cut this link, pending sources - unless there is a reason (besides the desire to be linked to Charlemagne etc) that it should be considered valid.

Private User
6/24/2019 at 1:37 AM

Sharon Doubell, how do these links come about that Geni presents these long lines going backward ? I presume some user actually created the links to the parents of Theunis de Bruyn . Can we see how, when, etc. ?

6/24/2019 at 7:20 AM

Dear Gary Neville van Wijk and others ,

About Theunis de Bruijn:
I found on another website (www.cafekeller.dr) information about Theunis De Bruijn + Justina Cleef
5 kinderen
Sybert De Bruyn
Gedoopt: 20 december 1711 47 14 — Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Overleden: voor 1730
Nicolaas De Bruijn
Gedoopt: 25 juni 1713 49 16 — Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Maria De Bruijn
Gedoopt: 21 juli 1715 51 18 — Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Pieter De Bruijn
Gedoopt: 24 oktober 1717 53 20 — Drakenstein, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Overleden: na 1768
Hendrik De Bruijn
Gedoopt: 21 januari 1720 56 22 — Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Overleden: na 7 juli 1746
Ouders Grootouders
Theunis De Bruijn
Geboren: 1664 (geschat) 7 — Friedeburg, Ost-Friesland, Niedersachsen, Germany
Overleden: voor 30 maart 1733
Floris De Bruen (vader van Theunis)
Geboren: 1657 (geschat)
Justina Cleef
Gedoopt: 13 april 1697 39 34 — Drakenstein, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Overleden: voor 23 december 1732
Niclaus Cleef (vader van Justina)
Geboren: 1658 (geschat) 30 — Groszsalze, Duitsland
Overleden: 1708
Barbe Le Fèvre (moeder van Justina Cleef)
Geboren: rond 1663 35 33 — Fleurbaix, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Huwelijk 17 mei 1711
Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa

Laatste wijziging 12 juli 2016 – 10:32
(according to website of family Keller )

Will this help you?

kind regards

Age Lubbers

6/24/2019 at 7:23 AM

sorry, correct website is : .nl instead of .dr
website :

6/24/2019 at 7:33 AM

and I found on the website : Delpher (very usefull dutch website for old newspapers and books) the book "afkomst der Boeren" (written by Colenbrander)
pages 26 and 27 : relating to the marriage of Theunis de Bruijn and Justina Cleef on 17 march 1711 in Stellenbosch Cape of Good hope South Africa , that book states that Theunis de Bruijn was born at Vredenburg
This matches the information of the cafeKeller website that states that Theunis birthplace is Friedenburg Ost Friesland, Niedersachsen Germany 1666 (Friedenburg is german for Vredenburg) and Theunis ' father is Floris de Bruen born around 1657 (or - much- earlier) .(if cafeKeller website is correct)

kind regards

Age Lubbers

6/24/2019 at 7:36 AM

And I found
Justina Cleef is baptised 13 april 1697

6/24/2019 at 8:24 AM

Corney Keller is this you? Do you have the Sources? Oh joyous day :-)

6/24/2019 at 8:59 AM

Hello Sharon Doubell,

The site hasn't been updated in two years and the information is VERY wrong. Florus de Bruen is not related at all to Theunis. Nor is Christan de Bruijn related to any of them. I published and article on Christina's origins in May 2018 issue of genesis "The parents of Christina de Bruijn".

So please ignore that part of the website. I still have to publish my updated information when I get round to it some time.


6/24/2019 at 11:23 PM

Age - thank you :-)

6/24/2019 at 11:56 PM

Thanks Corney :-)

6/24/2019 at 11:58 PM
Private User
6/25/2019 at 2:54 PM

@Corney, who are Christan de Bruijn and Christia de Bruijn? Can you confirm that @Theunis was born in Friedenburg Ost Friesland, Niedersachsen Germany, and what date? Do you know who his father was?

7/6/2019 at 1:59 AM

Sharon Doubell I will stick with Corney Keller

7/6/2019 at 2:01 AM

Sorry the cold fingers pressed send before I was finish. Sharon Doubell Corney is the right person to as as he is not only a formidable reseacher but is also in the lucky position to stay in the Netherlands and have the means to obtain sources. Corney Keller

7/6/2019 at 4:15 AM

Corney says that a thorough search of the the Amsterdam and Breda archives for the relevant period produced no evidence that Theunis de Bruijn was either a son of Stoffel Stoffelsz or a brother of Christina de Bruijn.

7/6/2019 at 4:16 AM

cf Unknown Profile

7/6/2019 at 4:19 AM

Corney Keller has found the following in the Cape Archives:

... Sr. Jan Botma heemraad en land-bouwer aan Stellenbosch gebooren aan Cabo de Boa Esperance oud veertigh jaren, mitsg:rs de eerbare juffr. Christina de Bruijn geboren te Amsterdam oud drie veertigh jaaren, ... Testament 13 Oktober 1708 (MOOC 7/3 7/1/2. 101)

Juff:r Christina de Bruijn wed:e wijlen den oud heemraad aan Stellenbosch Jan Botma ... ... Soo verklaarde de testatrice te legateeren maken ende te bespreeken aan de Diaconie Armen deeser plaatse een somma van vijffentwintig guldens Caabs geld, haar zusters zoon Jan van der Weijde woonagtig tot Amsterdam een somma van drie hondert guldens Hollands geld, vervolgens aan haar dogter Aletta Botma .. Testament 3 April 1722 (MOOC 7/3 7/1/3. 123) .... juff:r Stijntie Christoffelse de Bruijn wed:e wijlen den oude heemraad aan Stellenbosch Jan Bothma... ... De testatrice dan treeden ter dispositie soo verklaarde zij te legateren maken ende te bespreeken aan de Caabse diaconie armen een somma van hondert guldens Caabs geld. Vervolgens aan haar susters soon Jan van der Weijde woonagtig tot Amsterdam een somma van een hondert Rx:s agt en veertig stuijvers ieder ... Testament 14 Juli 1723 (MOOC 7/3 7/1/3. 122)

... Inventaris van sodanige goederen als 'er met 'er dood ontruijmt en naargelaten zijn bij wijle Stijntie Christoffelse de Bruijn weed:e den oud Stellenbosche heemraad Jan Botma. Hebbende bij testamentaire dispositie Heeren Weesmeesteren tot executeurs en tot erfgenamen ... Inventaris 29 April 1724 (MOOC 8/4.121) .... Inventaris van sodanige goederen als 'er met 'er dood ontruijmt en naargelaten sijn bij wijle Steijntje Christoffelse de Bruijn weed:e den oud Stellenbosche heemraad Jan Botma, hebbende bij testamentaire dispositie Heeren Weesmeesteren tot executeurs en tot erfgenamen ... Inventaris 8 Mei 1724 (MOOC 8/4.121 1/2)

7/6/2019 at 4:20 AM

I have cut the link between Theunis and Christina as brother and sister.

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