Rev. Charles Haddon Spurgeon - Decendents of Rev. Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Started by Kevin Spurgeon on Thursday, August 1, 2019
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As a descendent of Rev. Charles Haddon Spurgeon I am interested to extend the family tree to the present date. I have posted a family tree that my father gave me before he died. I am interested in finding other Spurgeons to bring it up to date!

I am willing to help you with the Spurgeon family. My husband and I wrote a book on the Purchase family that covers quite a few of the Spurgeon and related family members. if you are interested, it's available online, in digital or as a soft cover book, from It's not expensive. It has 200 pages over 40 photographs. We had visited the Spurgeon Tabernacle in London and left them with a copy of our Spurgeon Descendants Chart and were able to pick up a lot of information on Rev. Charles Haddon Spurgeon. If you search at for Purchase family, it usually comes up first. The name is; "The Genealogy of the Purchase Family in Britain and Southern Africa. The Ancestors of Harvey Spurgeon Purchase (1906-1968) and the Descendants of James Purchase (1689/90-1723/24) by Nancy R. and H. Graham Purchase, pub. by, 2008. See
p.s. If you give me your email address, I can try to attach the Descendants Chart.

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