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  • Domingo Sevilla Pilapil (1753 - 1822)
    Domingo Sevilla Pilapil was a Filipino Roman Catholic priest. He served as parish priest of Malolos, Bulacan in 1782; and Bacoor, Cavite from 1786 to 1820, when he suffered a stroke that left him bedri...
  • Gregorio Carlos de Villareal (1790 - aft.1847)
    Gregorio Carlos de Villareal was a Filipino Roman Catholic priest. He served as parish priest of Bacoor, Cavite from 1820 to 1823; and Bolinao, Zambales (now part of Pangasinan) from 1825 to 1847. Ba...
  • Rev John Edwards, SV (1804 - 1887)
    Ex South African settlers info: Last Name: Edwards First Name: John Date of Birth: 1804 Place of Birth: Exeter, Devon, England Parents – Father: Parents – Mother: Name of Spouse: Caroline Marriage Date...
  • Reverend? John Wilson (deceased)
    brief biography and family parson of Kilham ( Kelham ) prebend of York
  • Klaudy Nikolayevich Nikonov (bef.1857 - 1926)
    Станция Никоново основана в 1874 году при строительстве железной дороги. Названа по фамилии землевладельца купца Клавдия Николаевича Никонова, через имение которого пролегал стальной путь. Тамбовский...



Tracing the faith and religious convictions of your family

This project will work in conjunction with the "History Project" to give you a report of how many Clergy(equivalent in any Religion or Faith) were in your family.

Please add ANY profiles of ANY Clergy or equivalent in any Religion or Faith to this project, to take advantage of the "History Project App".

  • On the screen where the History Project App, or aka "History Search", can be launched (i.e. the green "Start Search" button is visible), you will see on the left of the button "Change the Search Options". When you click on it, you are offered different options on how the search will be run.
  • One option is "Include Siblings in Profile Search Results". We recommend that you select this option. The reason is that for many members of the clergy, like Catholics for example, they are no descendents and therefore, will never show up in the History Search report. But if you turn search for siblings ON, they will show up as your great uncle or great aunt.