Are there maps of Suwalki before 1919 that include street names?

Started by Private User on Thursday, February 6, 2020
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Private User
2/6/2020 at 4:51 PM

When a few of my ancestors arrived in the US (early 20th C), two of them said that contact "in the old country" lived in Suwalki, and street names were given. I've looked at the Suwalki Map from 1919-1939 (found at J'gen, IIRC), but these street names aren't there. They arrived between 1911 and 1913, so it was before the earliest date on the map I mentioned.

My great aunt arrived in April 1913, and said that her father was living at 67 Bazarni Ul. (street), although he was in the US at the time, having arrived in December 1911. (Her father said that the relative in OC was his wife, living in "Suwalk, Russia.") My G-aunt's mother arrived in August 1913, stating that *her* father was living at --what looks like -- Uspanski Ul., in Suwalk.

So, I'm hoping that there are records or a map *somewhere* that list these two street names (Bazarni and Uspanski), so that I can know whether they actually lived in that town, or in another town in that Gub.

2/7/2020 at 4:47 AM

My name us Daniel Bronholc and my father, Elkana Bronholc, was born in Suwalki 1928.
He looked at what you wrote and said that Bazarni Ul was the Russian name of a street later called Rynkowa UI.
About Uspanski Ul - this is a name Russian writer but doesn't know to which name it was changed when Suwalki moved back to Poland.
I hope we helped.
Daniel (Israel)

Private User
2/8/2020 at 8:45 AM

Thank you, Daniel. Your help is very much appreciated, as well as that of your father. Please thank him for me.

Private User
9/2/2021 at 5:56 PM

Daniel Bronholc

Daniel, I found something on Geni that amused me somewhat.

I clicked on your name link, and it said that we are connected. It's a very convoluted connection, but here it is: You are "[my] first cousin twice removed's husband's sister's husband's first cousin thrice removed's wife's great niece's husband's great niece's husband's son." If you click on my name, it should tell you that we are "connected." If you click on "How are you related", a long string of names will appear! It's amazing that I asked a question about Suwalki, and a very distant relative (by marriage) answered!

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