David Le Fébre Snr - Sources for4 parents?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Wednesday, April 1, 2020
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What primary sources prove that Phillippe 'Phillip' Le Fébre and Jacquette Bergere Levebvre are the parents of David le Févre?

None having been offered, I'm disconnecting for the moment - pending Sources.

There is a whole document I cane across ling ago about the Lefébvre brother's which mentioned the children if Phillippe Lefébvre and Jacquette Bergere, and his sons, one of which was David.

The other sons went to Canada I think and Pennsylvania USA.

Will have to find it again.

Oh please do - that would be useful.

I sent a lady who us one of the great great granddaughters of Isaac Lefébvre a message to let me know if she might have documents whuch sho who Phillippe Lefébvre's chikdten were. They gave a very thicj Famiky Bible from when their Lefébvre's fled France to America. Apparently people's Bibles were confiscated and burned. So to safe-guard and hide their Bibles, they would wrap it up in something and make bread dough which the Bible would be wrapped in as well, and baked in the oven. So when Bibles were searched for, they would find nothing.

Many families all over France did that and I am sure other nearby countries in Europe.

I also asked her to let me know where one could find more documents for the Lefébvres and hopefully other of our Hugeunot families who stayed in France, Netherlands, etc as well.

Maybe their Family Bibles will be in some Archive Room somewhere.

She wrote a whole article about the Pennsylvania Levebvres. Maybe if you search Google for Pennsylvania Levebvres or Isaac Levebvre, you will come accross the article, and get some background if their (the Levebvre) history.

Can't recall her name at the moment.

I also asked her if she knows anything about who Phillippe Lefébvre's other children where or if there is a mention in their documentation of David le Fébre and Elisabeth 'Isabeau' le Bleu.

Even if she can just give us a place to start looking for documents, that is better than where we are now. As she has also done research on the Lefébvres descendant from Mengen Lefébvre.

Hold thumbs we get some new info.

Very interesting. Thank you.

Bibles baked into bread dough? That's quite something.

Must search for parents , via Phillippe I was connected to le Febre descendants in Canada and USA .
Not anymore now.

Was Sarah Le Fevre wife of Abraham le Fevre that hid the Bible in bread dough 1685


Lefevre from Strasbourg, Alsace.

? Small Bible in normal bread ?
Like my grandmother made on the farm , size of a small car .
Whole wheat or white bread

Another Bible from 1590 from Drôme ,France where Couteau/Coutaud came from.

Thx Sheine
Pennsylvania Lefevre
Found site and going to read it .

The Bible Baked in a Loaf of Bread
My Grandma Personeus was an expressive storyteller. We grandchildren listened with rapt attention as she told stories of her youth.

One day, she showed us a dark blue hardbound book entitled, The Pennsylvania LeFevres, the genealogy of her family dating back to 1510 in France, compiled by her father, George Newton LeFevre. All the lists of names inside reminded me of the genealogies in the Bible, which as a child I usually skipped so I could devour the exciting stories.

Then Grandma showed us a picture of the LeFevre Family Bible and told us the unforgettable story of the Bible baked in a loaf of bread:

The LeFevre Family Bible (1608)
In France, in 1685, nearly one hundred years before the United States declared its independence from Great Britain, Sarah, wife of Abraham LeFevre, baked the family Bible in a loaf of bread.

What a strange thing to do! "Why would she do that?" we asked

The LeFevre family were French Protestants, nicknamed Huguenots in the 16th and 17th centuries. They had enjoyed 87 years of freedom under the famous Edict of Nantes of 1598, which permitted them to hold services and worship the way they pleased.

Then, on October 18, 1685, Catholic King Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes. Severe persecution ensued. No one was allowed to read the Word of God for himself or even own a volume of the Holy Scriptures. Huguenots were not allowed to be baptized or to instruct their children in their faith. Their churches and records were destroyed, their property was confiscated, and they were forbidden to emigrate.

The LeFevres lived near Strasbourg, France, in the Alsace-Lorraine region across the Rhine River from Bavaria, Germany. Their family Bible was the Geneva Bible, published in Switzerland in 1608. It was smaller and a great improvement over the ponderous volumes of the Great Bible and Tyndale versions which preceded it. The family placed great value on their forbidden Bible and did not want it to fall into the hands of those who would destroy it.

Abraham and Sarah knew it was just a matter of time before their home would be searched and they could be arrested for their faith and even executed. How could they protect the family Bible? Where could they hide it so the soldiers wouldn't find it?

Sarah must have been a woman of great courage and ingenuity. Perhaps the inspiration came to her one day as she baked bread for the family. If she baked a loaf large enough to contain the Bible, no one would think to look inside a loaf of bread even if it sat in plain sight.

She must have made a really large loaf, for the Geneva Bible was 9 1/4 inches long, 6 1/4 inches wide, and 4 1/2 inches thick.

After kneading the dough to perfection, Sarah wrapped the sacred Book in vellum to protect it from the heat and tucked it in the center. She allowed the dough to rise then placed it in the oven to bake, watching it carefully to be sure the loaf was not overdone. When she withdrew it from the oven, she set the golden loaf on the table to cool.

Abraham gathered their six children around the table and admonished them to guard the Bible carefully. If the worst should happen, they were instructed to grab the loaf of bread with the Bible inside and run to the nearby home of Daniel and Marie Ferree, wealthy Huguenot friends.

Apparently, 16-year-old Isaac wasn't there when the soldiers invaded the LeFevre home and slaughtered the rest of his family. Imagine his horror when he entered his house and discovered their brutalized bodies.

Young Isaac quickly grabbed the large loaf of bread containing the Bible sitting unmolested on the table and ran swiftly toward the home of their Huguenot friends. On the way, a soldier stopped him and grabbed the loaf from his hands. Isaac's heart beat so hard he feared the man would see it pounding and become suspicious.

"Rather a heavy loaf you have there, lad." The man hefted it then flung it back into Isaac's arms. "Here! Take it back. It feels much too doughy for me."

Isaac hugged the loaf and hastened to the Ferree house. He knocked quickly with a prearranged signal--two loud taps and one soft.

The door opened slowly, and Daniel peered into the darkness. Seeing Isaac, he pulled the distraught lad inside.

"Hurry! We must flee!" Isaac sobbed. "They killed my parents and all my brothers and sisters."

That night, Isaac and the Ferree family stole through the darkness, taking only the barest necessities, and fled across the Rhine River into Bavaria, which was primarily Lutheran. There, Isaac stayed with the Ferree family until 1708. Isaac fell in love with the Ferree's daughter, Catherine. They were married in 1704, and their first son was born in Germany. Isaac named him Abraham after his martyred father.

Isaac's father-in-law, Daniel Ferree, died in 1708. His widow, Marie, heard about a proclamation issued by Queen Anne of England inviting suffering Huguenots to come there, but they had also heard of religious liberty in Pennsylvania in America, and that was where they wanted to go.

Upon their arrival in England, Madame Ferree visited William Penn in person. After hearing her misfortunes, he introduced her to Queen Anne, who promised them substantial aid in going to America. William Penn then granted 2,000 acres of land to the Ferree-LeFevre family.

When they arrived in New York, it was winter. The Ferree-LeFevre party proceeded 90 miles up the Hudson River to Esopus (Kingston), where they stayed with Isaac LeFevre's two uncles, Andrew and Simon LeFevre, who had come to America 40 years before. There, a second son was born to Isaac and Catherine.

In the spring of 1712, they left Esopus and traveled overland to Philadelphia, where Penn's commissioners issued to Isaac LeFevre and his brother-in-law, Daniel Ferree, for the sum of 150 pounds, the deed to the land in what was then Chester County, Pennsylvania (Lancaster County was not organized until 1729).

Deed from William Penn to Isaac LeFevre
As the Huguenot party reached the verge of a hill commanding a view of their land in the Pequea Valley 55 miles west of Philadelphia on a golden September evening, an idyllic woodland scene unfolded below. The trees were beginning to change colors in the forest inhabited by wild beasts with no indication of civilization. After all their trials of persecution and years of travel, their new home looked so tranquil and delightful that Madame Ferree exclaimed, "Let's call it Paradise!" And that is what the town and township are known as to this day.

Grandma's cousin, Franklin D, LeFevre, holding the LeFevre Bible
Isaac LeFevre carefully preserved his family Bible throughout his journeys. The births of his six children were penned in ink on the first page. The ancient Bible was cherished and handed down through six generations and then given to the Lancaster County Historical Society to preserve for posterity. It is one of the most frequently requested items to be viewed--a symbol of the faith the Huguenots held to be more precious than life itself. It has inspired many of the LeFevre descendants to spend their lives sharing its message around the world.

My grandmother, Florence LeFevre Personeus, a direct descendant of Isaac's firstborn son Abraham, grew up in the 27-room mansion that stood on the tract of land originally deeded to Isaac LeFevre by William Penn, in what is now Strasbourg, Pennsylvania. She spent 65 years as a missionary in Alaska, from 1917-1982. My parents and my husband and I too have followed in the LeFevre footsteps as ministers and writers sharing that gospel message.

The 27-room LeFevre home my maternal grandma grew up in
Throughout the ages, many mighty potentates have tried to destroy the Bible--Alexander the Great, the princes of Egypt and Babylon, the monarchs of Persia and of Greece, the Emperors of Rome, and even European kings, Communists, the Nazis, and other religions, but the Bible still stands. It is estimated that only 1/2 of one percent of all books published will survive seven years, that 800 out of every 1,000 books are forgotten in one year. Yet, the Bible is still the world's best seller.

The story of how God has preserved His Word throughout history is a fascinating one. Psalm 119:89 declares, "Forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled in heaven."

Courtesy Google.com

NOTE: This is a longer post than usual, but I am in the process of preparing the manuscript of my third book in my Alaskan Waters trilogy for publication, Beside Still waters, so I will not be posting for a few weeks. I hope you enjoy this true story of my ancestors and their Bible baked in a loaf of bread.
AnnaLee Conti.


My Question to her below :

Could you please let me know if you have any documents of who Phillippe Lefébvre and Jacquette Bergere's children were? Phillippe was a descendant of Mengen Lefebvre. Our Lefébvre's fled to South Africa, but I am unable to find any original sources that show who Phillippe and Jacquette's children where. Please email me with any info you can provide, or if you know where I can search and locate these old documents such as Birth, Baptism, Marriage or Death records for the various Huguenot Lefébvres. USA, Canada, and South Africa especially. I also need info on a David Le Fébre (Lefébvre), married to Elisabeth 'Isabeau' le Bleu, and if David was Phillippe Lefébvre's son. Please contact me on sharonannherr@gmail.com. Thank you. Sharon-Ann Herr


The Fasquest family lived in the Drôme area of France in the late sixteenth century – a time of great persecution when Huguenots were forced to hide their faith. This is their bible, which dates around 1588-1590 – a time when the French state wanted Huguenots to give up their Calvinist Protestant faith and become Catholic, persecuting those who refused.

Their family story tells that preceding a search of their home this bible was baked in a loaf of bread to hide it from state soldiers. The title page has also been removed to conceal the printer’s identity.
The family bible was evidently more than just a sacred text – its pages also list a record of Fasquet family births, marriages and deaths until 1625.

Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples
Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples (Latinized as Jacobus Faber Stapulensis; c. 1455 – c. 1536)
He was born of humble parents at Étaples, in Picardy.
Same area as Marck , Picardie Le febre came to SA .

Could he have been the common Le Fevre ancestor ?


--------, et Magdel[ine] LE FEVRE, fille d'Abraham LE FEVRE et de Susanne LALO (?), native de Maxien en Picardie.


Abraham Le Fevre here from Maxien , Picardie ( not Alsace ) wife Susanne Lalo .

Daniel Le Fevre from Normandie

1703 page 552 Book IX

The registers of the Wallon or Strangers' Church in Canterbury
By Eglise Wallonne

only R16.60 will try and purchase today .


David Le Fevre connected to Jean Le Fevre and Pierre Le fevre --will have to look and see .

Boucher --also maybe purchase onllne ! A MUST have .

So far as the territories under French control are concerned, admini­stration by generalities was largely in process of evolution. The lands of northern Picardy came under the jurisdiction of Amiens, while the three bishoprics and Sedan were administered from Metz. Alsace formed a generality in 1682, although it had long been under the control of an intendant. Flanders and Artois were united in 1691 and Lorraine and the Barrois were fully incorporated into the French administrative system in the following century. Other important cities west of the Rhine and the Spanish Netherlands were Arras in Artois, Lille in Flanders, Nancy in Lorraine and Strasburg in Alsace; beyond the French frontier lay Ghent, Bruges and Brussels in the Spanish Nether­lands
The other Calvinist churches were linked with that of France through a common doctrine only. The reformed faith was particularly strong at Metz, but in Alsace, where most Protestants were of the Lutheran persuasion, Calvinists numbered at most 5% of the total population. In priniciple, the revocation of the Edict of Nantes did not apply to the province, although in practice both Lutherans and Calvinists were subjected to pressures by Louis XIV. Nor can it be said that the two Protestant branches were generally well-disposed to one another. The main Calvinist centre was at Mulhouse.

Yet it appears Abraham Le Fevre chose not to risk it and left Allsace for UK and descendants to Pennsylvania

An important local occupation was that of waterman. There were many merchants at Calais and Guines having close links with Zeeland and with England, and some Calvinists in the Calaisis had shares in the Dutch East India Company, while others found their way to the Far East long before the revocation.

Why they chose to relocate to the CAPE ?

Spanish Troops destroyed the Temple/Church at Marck , Picardie in 1641 so those protestants then most probably moved to Guines .

The Le Fevre from Marck , Picardie surely amongst them .

On familysearch




The Pennsylvania Lefevres Hardcover – January 1, 1979
by George Newton LeFevre (Author), Franklin D. LeFevre (Author)

Maybe another purchase ?

Surname Le Febre , Le Fevre or Lefebre meaning Smith ,Smid or Bkacksmith.

The connection between the 3 branches in SA and in rest of world might be more profession than blood. Diiferent families from different parts of France with same profession using their profession as surname.

However each separate family will have descendants , just wish we had YDNA to help with this.

Not at all suggesting that surname must now be changed to Smit or Black.

At least David Le Febre possible father here did exist unlike made up / created parents and grandparents for Claas Jasz van Rensburg . Still connected to him on GENI.

RE: Boucher --also maybe purchase online ! A MUST have .

It is - but it's online free. Chapter by chapter. I've started uploading them to the relevant projects.
If you battle to find them - yell. I can help.

Thx Sharon
Pennsylvania Le Febre free on familysearch.

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