Hugh Hugo Carr - The Naming of Carrs

Started by Judy K Aubey on Wednesday, June 10, 2020
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6/10/2020 at 7:03 PM

@Paige Elizabeth Slaydon, @Norma Patricia (Aubey) Lewis, @Kimberly Wingate, @Joseph Jay Jordan

While Hugo, Marguerite, and Halfan/Halfar have been the names proliferated through the many family trees for years, the only document available which uses those names is the record of Joseph and Nancy Ann's marriage at St Martinville. (CARR, Joseph of Jamaica (Hugo & Marguerite HALFAN) m. 24 Feb. 1794 Ane WIT, a wid. from Carolina (SM Ct. Hse.: OA-15-75), SWLR) These names are not used in any of the documents contemporaneous to the lives of Joseph's parents.

I think I've located adequate documentation to support the following: Hugh's name was Hugh Carr. His wife's maiden name was Siddins. Before marrying Hugh, she was married to Edward Foster. And after Hugh's death, she married his business partner, Ambrose Turner. Her burial is recorded with the name Margaret Turner. In some records, her first name is spelled ending with two Ts. Since I think it unlikely that this would happen more than once without her prompting, it's probably safe to say that's how she spelled it.

With all this taken into consideration, I propose that we use the names Hugh Carr and Margarett Carr. Using Siddins as Margarett's maiden name, and with Foster, and Turner as alternates. The other marriages produced no children, and since Joseph was the only child mentioned in his father's will, it's safe to assume that his sibs did not survive (I have found no records of their deaths..yet). I've attached the documentation to their profiles on the tree, but I'm not going to radically change something so significant as their names without a consensus. Please invite anyone else whom you think would like to be in on this decision.


6/30/2020 at 10:26 AM

I've probably failed to correctly notify others, but I'm going to go ahead and change the names. The documentation is all attached.

And just an fyi for any who may read this. I have not been able to verify Hugh's parents. There was a family going by the names provided but (outside of the family trees) there is no indication that they had a son named Hugh.

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