Consistency Chech
Capt. Robert Priddy had 2 children between the ages of 64 and 65 years old.
Tip: Correct the birth date of Capt. Robert Priddy (born circa 1694) or the following children:
Thomas Priddy, Richard S. Priddy
:Thomas Priddy has pending data conflicts.
Mary Priddy has pending data conflicts.
George Priddy has pending data conflicts
.Hannah Priddy has pending data conflicts.
George Priddy, Sr. has pending data conflicts.
Nicholas Priddy has pending data conflicts.
Jane Ann Priddy has pending data conflicts.
Jane Ann Priddy is under 12 years old for the birth of her child John Priddy.
Jane Ann Priddy is under 12 years old for the birth of her child John Priddy.
Jane Ann Priddy is under 12 years old for the birth of her child William Priddy.
Susannah Priddy is under 14 years old for her marriage.
Thomas Priddy born after the death of his father Capt. Robert Priddy.
Richard S. Priddy born after the death of his mother Susannah Priddy.
Thomas Priddy born after the death of his mother Susannah Priddy.
Consistency Check:
Jane Ann Priddy (McCall) is under 12 years old for the birth of her child John Priddy.
Jane Ann Priddy (McCall) is under 12 years old for the birth of her child John Priddy.
Jane Ann Priddy (McCall) is under 12 years old for the birth of her child William Priddy.
Susannah Priddy (Harlow) is under 14 years old for her marriage.
Richard S. Priddy born after the death of his mother Susannah Priddy (Harlow).
Consistency Check:
Jane Ann Priddy (McCall) is under 12 years old for the birth of her child William Priddy.
Susannah Priddy (Harlow) is under 14 years old for her marriage.
Richard S. Priddy born after the death of his mother Susannah Priddy (Harlow).
Now sources need added and managers and curator need to weigh ion please.