In my dna matches on Ancestry I have found there was a Rawitscher familly from Krotoszyn. There is a man named Hirsch Leibe Rawitscher born in 1810 in Krotoszyn and died in 1892. Also I have found a Josef Leiser Hirsch born in 1766 from Krotozyn.
My great great grandfather Isidor Margolius married Hanchen Wiener . They lived in Krotoszyn as well.
Hi Karen, thank you for sharing this excellent information. I would be happy to collaborate with you and grow the Krotoszyn town project,
Do you have more information about Isidor Margolius? My 3g grandfather is Behr Margolius married to Hudess Krotoschinska (whose family is from Krotoszyn). We may be researching related families and in any event, names and families from the same town.
I've got new informations about my family
Eduard Trawnicek born in Zahorany u Mníšku pod Brdy, Bohemia, profession Bau Glaser was living in Krotoschin (Krotoszyn)
Married Tiny (Ernestine) Jaskulewicz from Ostrowo b. 1880 daughter of Hermann and Fanny Held
As i saw there were some others Jaskulewicz born in Krokotschin
Eduard + Tiny married 26 Dec 1912 and moved to Posen 30 Dec 1912, later in 1914 to Ludwigslust, Meclenburg
Is it some way how to find the birth record for theirs daughter Getrud 26 OCT 1913 in Posen ???