Sir Richard Neville, 2nd Lord Latimer - Is this Correct?

Started by Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A" on Wednesday, March 3, 2021
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Sir Richard Neville, 2nd Lord Latimer has a christening event listed in his profile prior to his own birth date.
Tip: Contact the manager for the profile of Sir Richard Neville, 2nd Lord Latimer to review his birth date and event timeline.

I did not put this information in; not part of my immediate family lineage.

Profile locked so it needs a curator. Thank you.

I am unable to assist you with this matter

Thank you anyway Hilary. I appreciate you trying, :)

Sorry; i am not a curator; i have minimal knowledge as to how geni works; am just glad to have my tree sorted.

Good luck.


Thank you Anne Brannen

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