Posting to a project an important LINK

Started by Richard (Rick) Gary Simon on Saturday, March 20, 2021
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My father-in-law was a "member" of the Kindertramsport, having traveled on one of the very last ones in June, 1939. Of course, I have added his profile to The Kinderstansport Project. My daughter in London has alerted me of a program that her synagogue put on conerning this subject and the presentation has been loaded onto the YouTube channel. How does one post or alert this project to this outstanding program ? I have the link and sine it is YouTube, there should be no issue of having the link posted ...

For those ionterested - the YouTube presentation is made by the author of the book on hich the presentation is based: Mike Levy: The Quaker, The Dutch Aunt and the Rabbi ..... interesting title !!

The fact that you added a profile to the project implies that you are a collaborator of the project. As a project collaborator you are able to edit the project, so you can add a description of the presentation and a link to it into the project page yourself.

Alternatively, start a discussion from the project itself, in that way every collaborator of the project will receive a notification of the new discussion as opposed to this thread which people will only see if they happen to check the public forum.

Alex - many thanks for the assistane. As you suggested, I have started a discussion. I hope it is both appropriate and stimulates those interested in this project to at least watch the video ...

Good luck!

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