Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim" - Conflicts on parents of Mordechai Jaffe

Started by Randy Schoenberg on Tuesday, April 6, 2021
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Mr. Lesnick, you are very confused. See, something that happens when you invent HUNDREDS of profiles out of thin air and then respond to documentation requests with insults and threats, is that people stop believing you. Your insults and threats have no meaning.

Not sure if it's been mentioned but the Jewish Encyclopedia has an excellent article under "Mordecai Jaffe" that clarifies the two Mordecais and gives family trees for both, though those trees have lots of holes and focus on the (male) rabbinical lineages.

I have checked two archival sources that have material on the Mordecai ben Avraham genealogy and the material there is in accord with Jewish Encyclopedia at least for the 16th century.

Oh and I will add for Mr. Lesnick and Mr. Golden -- the Jewish Encyclopedia completely contradicts the phony tree of Ian Levine.

Not sure if it's been mentioned but the Jewish Encyclopedia has an excellent article under "Mordecai Jaffe" that clarifies the two Mordecais and gives family trees for both, though those trees have lots of holes and focus on the (male) rabbinical lineages.

I have checked two archival sources that have material on the Mordecai ben Avraham genealogy and the material there is in accord with Jewish Encyclopedia at least for the 16th century.

Oh and I will add for Mr. Lesnick and Mr. Golden -- the Jewish Encyclopedia completely contradicts the phony tree of Ian Levine.

Reading through this thread I see that many people have the idea of finding answers by comparing online trees. This a a totally wrong approach since the online trees just reproduce confusion and intentional fraud. The answers are simply not on the sites that are susceptible to manipulation. There are at least two archival sources on Joffe genealogy. They provide clear answers to these questions. The Jewish Encyclopedia entry on Jaffe agrees with those archival sources. Those together are the only reliable sources. The Levush's father was Avraham (don't Anglicize it). The Krakow rabbi's father was Moshe. There is no doubt about this, nor about Falka Singer being the wife of Mordecai ben Moshe.

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