Need help identifying Coat of Arms of displayed in paintings of Dutch ancestors!

Started by Private User on Sunday, June 20, 2021
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Hi all!
I'm a descendant of:
Karl Carelsz von Krakau
and his wife
Anna Hermensdatter Van Ens

They both have portraits of them that i have validated and attached to the profiles, and these portraits also contain their respective Coat of Arms. I have trouble identifying the houses or families they hail from, and i could use some assistance. I will also add a crop to both profiles showing a close-up of each coat of arms for your convenience.

I thank you all in advance!

Hello Max, The place in the Netherlands to search for coat of arms is I have tried the name and this came up:
Cracauw, van
Registratiecode: HMUSNL009859
Collectienummer: 1801
Familienaam: Cracauw, van
Muschart codering: 8M

There is no picture of the code of arms.

I will look it up! From what i can tell based on the coat of arms shown in Caelsz' portrait it looks like a variant on the Hoorn weapon, with three small diamonds below a horn.

May be they can help

Menno van Coehorn had the diamonds also

I added a foto maybe it helps

I found
You might need, and / or to translate.
If you run into trouble with the translation ask for help.

Wow Job Waterreus, hoe heb je dit gevonden? Is het een voor jou bekende site of via zoektermen gevonden? Vriendelijke groet, Marijke De Jong

Marijke de Jong

Via Google met zoeken op namen en wat andere gegevens die bij de profielen staan.

@Job Waterreus, ik zal nog eens zoeken, bedankt.

Marijke de Jong Zoek anders eerst eens op zoektips google

Job Waterreus Thank you for finding! I wasn't having any luck finding the name of the family associated with the coat of arms shown in the portrait. I will dig into the document and see what i can extract from it :)

I must say that it is quite funny being a Swede and having ancestry through a Dutch house that basically has the Swedish flag as their coat of arms :D

Via (geavanceerd zoeken via google) met de zoektermen Cracauw en bij getallen 1500 tot 1600 vond ik als eerste wat Job Waterreus vond en nog veel meer. Veel dank Job Waterreus

Via advanced search in google Cracauw name and the numbers 1500 till 1600 resulted in a lot of information about your ancestors Private User. I used the dutch version, there should be a Swedish version and of course an English version. Thank you for your question you helped me too.

Hejhej Max,

I have found a very interesting documents for you:


Apparently his name comes from the German City of Kalkar (and not Krakow in Poland).
He was the son of a dutch surgeon in Wageningen, with roots from germany.
His original coats of arms represent a lion and a grashopper. When he became an important diplomat in Stockholm for the dutch government, he used the heraldry of the german noblemen "Von Krokow" and "von Wickerau" but the relationship is not proven. Both coats of arms can be found in Sweden, on the coffin of his daughter Brigitta, who is burried in the church of Källerö.
Greetings from your cousin in Belgium: Gerard Koppen
I live in Belgium, but I have many dutch ancestors with roots in Holland, Germany, Bornholm and Sweden. They all moved to Holland in the 17th and 18th century, the "Golden Ages"

I am following this disccusion, but at the moment I can not add new info. Only that if they are Dutch the ' van' 's are written as " van' and not "Van" or ' von', this based on dutch grammar ' laws' . If they are German or Belgium then there are other grammar rules or spelling rules. A lot of search engines see 'Van' and ' van' as different names. Ofcourse moving to another country also changes the official spelling of the family name or clan name.

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