Sally Go-le-tse-hi Yonaguska - More Information About Sally

Started by Charles William Blair on Tuesday, June 22, 2021
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6/22/2021 at 7:56 AM

I have found that my 4X great-grandfather, James Hayes Blair had at least one son and three daughters with a Cherokee girl named Sa-Li, daughter of Yonaguska, starting when he was age 27 and she was 14. The children were George Oo-di-qua-no-si Blair (1789-1887), Margaret "Peggy" Blair (Henson), Sarah Lu-See Blair (Timpson) and Jennie Blair (Sweetwater). George, his first wife Sarah Blythe and his sister Jennie relocated to Oklahoma as a part of the Richard Taylor Detachment in Sept. 1838. George's first wife, Sarah, his sister Jennie, her husband and four children all died on the Trail and are allegedly buried together just outside Nashville. I know that Sally Go-le-tse-hi was not relocated because of arrangements her father made with the U.S. government to stay in the East around Oconaluftee icw the 1817 and 1819 Treaties. However, George Oo-di-qua-no-si, Jennie, and other family members are listed on the Taylor Detachment roll. Upon arrival in Oklahoma, George remarried, had more children and purchased the cabin home of Sequoyah, which is now on the National Register. I've gotten some of this information from talking with Cherokee "cousins" in Oklahoma, results of Ancestry, 23&Me, and FTDNA DNA tests, and researched the rest. Might anyone have more information on Sa-Li that could verify or debunk what I've found, and might Sa-Li be the person about whom I'm talking? Any help and information would be most appreciated.
Bill Blair

6/22/2021 at 9:27 AM

So you are hearing that Colonel James Blair had an additional family.

Do you have links for that?

Have you compared the Blair children with Sa-Li’s children with Flying Squirrel?

6/22/2021 at 9:40 AM Lists what you wrote for George Oo-di-qua-no-si, so that helps.

6/22/2021 at 9:48 AM &

Makes the linkage of George Blair as son of this James Blair, but not in narrative or references on either memorial.

Did you see this?

This James Blair is not a son of Colbert Blair and Sarah Morgan, DNA has proven this, see the Blair Family DNA project. Colbert's son James d. bef. 22 Oct 1783 in Burke Co. NC, when his wife Anna was granted letters of admin. They had a son George. (6 June 2021)

6/22/2021 at 9:54 AM Shows George’s mother as

sallie or Sarah Fields
BIRTH 1774 • Georgia

And James’ parents as

James Blair
Ann Hays

6/22/2021 at 10:04 AM

This is Sa-Li’s profile on

There is no indication of Blair children.

Also see this document image, listing Yonaguska’s heirs:

6/22/2021 at 10:31 AM

An ancestry tree suggests it was this James Blair by Sallie Fields who were the parents of George Blair.


Richard "Texas Dick" Fields
Susannah Emory

6/22/2021 at 10:50 AM

I do not see that Susannah Martin had a daughter Sallie Fields, who may have married a Smith.

6/22/2021 at 10:54 AM

Yet another tree, suggesting she was Sarah Blythe (Gifon)

6/23/2021 at 9:00 AM

I have compared the children with those of Sa-Li and Flying Squirrel. I found none to be the same. What kind of links are you looking for? I'll try to provide whatever I have. Have never seen the "waymarking" site and don't know who publishes that, but that site seems to corroborate what I've found other places.
I've seen the information on Find-A-Grave many times. I believe the information on James Hayes being buried in Alabama is incorrect. Some of his wife's descendants had the plaque put there, where his wife is buried. No gravesite for James Hayes has been located. I've talked to his wife's relatives and they have no verification that he's buried there. From family history and talking to other Blair relatives, I believe he died on the way back from ALA to Georgia, possibly around Carrollton, GA, although I have no verification of that. No gravesite has ever been found for James Hayes. There has also been controversy about Colbert, his wife and children for many, many years. All relationships have not bee verified yet, but my 3 DNA tests and various family information, names, etc. do lead back through James Hayes and Colbert. However, Col. James Hayes was not the child of a James Blair and Ann Hayes. A lot of erroneous info out there, evidently. And I don't know that the Sa-Li Go-le-tse-hi, daughter of Yonaguska is the correct person who had children fathered by James Hayes. But I know through my DNA matches with Cherokee cousins in Oklahoma and conversations with them that James Hayes was also their ancestor. Thanks for your input.

6/23/2021 at 12:46 PM

Trees on ancestry are fine links. Your tree is wonderfully detailed.

Can you verify with your Cherokee cousins (are they from George) who they have for James? Because there was more than one, so let’s nail that down.

I think we’re close to eliminating Sa-li Yonaguska as the Hayes mother. Do they agree?

6/23/2021 at 1:06 PM

Kathryn Forbes Are you at all familiar with this line? Seems well documented.

6/23/2021 at 2:13 PM

I don't think there's any connection between Yonaguska's daughter, Sa-li, who married Flying Squirrel and the Blair family. Yonaguska took a reservation under the Treaty of 1817. About half of the North Carolina Cherokee simply remained in their homes at Removal, although over 1,500 were Removed. Emmet Starr says that George Blair was married to sisters Sarah/Sally and Nancy Blythe. I cannot corroborate the Trail of Tears story. There is no muster roll for the Taylor detachment, and the Rev. Daniel Butrick's journal from that detachment does not mention any deaths connected to the Blairs. He didn't name everyone who died, but I think he would have recorded the death of an entire family. Sometimes people who were ill were left behind to catch up later, so that could be the case here. The 1835 Cherokee census lists George and a family of 5 on Tusquitty Creek (North Carolina) with only one adult woman.

The Drennan Roll lists George, Nancy, and ten children living in the Flint District. Their son Thomas' on his Eastern application (#1050) said he did not know who his father's father was, only that he was white. He listed his father's mother as "Sarah or Sallie Smith." His sister Betty (Quatie on the Drennan) listed her father's parents as "Jim and Sarah Blair." She listed some siblings as half-siblings so Sarah Blythe may well be the wife on the 1835 census and her sister Nancy the second wife. Most of the Blair children died before the Dawes so we don't know exactly which ones go with which mother.

I can't find any siblings for George Blair in records. Once the family got to Indian Territory they are well documented.

6/23/2021 at 2:33 PM

Here’s Sarah Smith on the 1851 Chapman Roll.

1850 US Federal Census with similar household (?)

The Smith husband is seen as

John Choo-stoo-lee Smith Smyth
BIRTH 17 DEC 1790 • Madison County, Virginia, USA
DEATH 11 APR 1869 • Cherokee County, North Carolina

6/23/2021 at 4:36 PM

The 1848 Mullay Roll shows Sarah, age 72, a full-blood with a granddaughter, age 10, Louisa Smith. They are living next door to Stacey Blythe, identified as the daughter of James Blythe. Sally is noted as dying in 1853. The Siler Roll lists John (white) age 69, Sarah his wife age 80, and Esther their daughter age 36. John, Sarah, and Esther are all also on the Chapman.

6/23/2021 at 7:03 PM

So this is the Sarah suggested as previously the partner of “Jim” Blair. I’m guessing George had make descent and potentially Y DNA testing available, and there’s an active FtDNA project, so that should help answer if Charles’ ancestor & George’s are a match.

Can we rule out more candidate Sa-Li’s? And do we have her second marriage likely? The Blythe is a bit of a smoking gun!

6/23/2021 at 7:16 PM Has the Blythes in detail, and Sallie Fields & Jim Blair of GA for George’s parents. Looks like a “cousin compilation” effort.

6/23/2021 at 8:10 PM

I’m working on the Blair family in NC back to Scotland, this site looks decent. Do we agree?

And also see this comment:

Probable children of Colbert Blair and Sarah Morgan
5. James Blair (1761/1763-1839) m. Elizabeth Powell

The Blair DNA project has found that samples from two men who are descendants of Enos and John Blair, respectively, do not match each other, nor does either match two samples from Colbert's son James. [A look at the analysis on the Blair DNA project web site will make this clearer.] …

A sample from a descendant of James Blair of Guilford County would also be very valuable for settling the question raised above.

6/23/2021 at 10:29 PM

Added a profile for Sarah Smith

6/23/2021 at 11:14 PM

Got Sally’s family connected but she may have too many Smith children. Timson’s showed next to Smith on the Chapman roll.

Eastern Cherokee app for Elizabeth Smith showing Lucy Timpson AncestryImage

Do any of the Indian names on “mother’s side” ring any bells? Can we find the rest of the application?

6/23/2021 at 11:20 PM

This is fun! Seen this before?

This information was given to me by a good friend, Peggy Lambert, Private Researcher of Eastern Cherokee Indian Genealogy. It is a story told by and written by the son of Chief Nimrod Jarrett Smith, Thaddeus Sibbald Smith. It was given to Peggy by a granddaughter of N.J. Smith, her father was Thaddeus Sibbald Smith. Mind you I am quoting only certain points to give you the information you may need to start researching your family.
"On the bleak shores of Ireland a little band of men lay hid under a corpse waiting for night to come ,and a small boat and a pre-arranged signal, 12 more refugees from the persecution of the enemy of Erin. One only do we follow, a young lad just grown, red headed, ruddy, about 5 ft. 10 in. heavy set, blue eyes. Reaching state of Georgia, he soon becomes friends with Cherokees and the old Chief Yonaguska. Yonaguska has two children a son and a daughter. The son named for his father, the daughter Salie/Sarah.
No one has asked his name at anytime.The old chief now you ask for my child to be your wife. What is your name? "John Smith" it's as good as any."

8/15/2021 at 1:46 PM

Erica Howton..... First, thanks so much for taking an interest in this family story and working so hard to ensure that I stayed on track with correct information. My family and I are most appreciative!

I'll be on a road trip in September following the Trail of Tears Taylor Detachment's route from Red Clay , TN to Oklahoma. If i find additional or new information , I'll let you know. Thanks again. Following are some notes I took on your posts. Some of my thoughts may still be wrong, but here they are:

6-22 Indeed, I find nothing in common between Col. James Hayes Blair's children with his Cherokee partner/wife and those of Sa Li with Flying Squirrell.

6-22 (12;40pm) There is some accurate information on the site, George Oo di qua no si Blair and his first wife, Sarah Blythe live on Tusquility Creek, Clay County, NC prior to the relocation. The Henderson Rolls (Individuals paid by the Cherokee Nation for positions held on the Trail of Tears 1838-1839) show George Blair was paid aas "Supplier of Team" on the Richard Taylor Detachment.. The Taylor Detachment left Red Clay, TN 20 Sep 1838, arrived Oklahoma 23 Mar 1839. George, his children and Nancy Blythe arrived later due to stopping along the Trail when his wife Sarah, sister, Jennie Sweetwater and her family died on the Trail. George is shown as a Flint District, Cherokee Nation, Council member in 1855.

But I also find several pieces of information I consider to be inaccurate. George's marriage to Sarah Blythe lists six children, including James, Samuel, Margaret (m. William Richard Henson), Jenny (m. George Sweetwater), Joel Dyer Blair and Anne 1792-1854 (m. Joseph Terrell, cousin to William Terrell Lewis). I show only four children: Lewis 1830-1871 (m. Polly Benge), James 1835-1839, Lucy 1836-1866 (m. Samuel Houston Benge 1832-1902), and Catherine "Katie" 1837-1905 (m. Jesse McCuen. Margaret (I find no reference to her being called "Juda."). who married Henson, is actually George's sister 1798-1876, rather than one of his children, as is Jenny Blair Sweetwater 1790-1838. Anne Blair 1792-1854, who married Joseph Terrell, wasa a daughter of James Hayes Blair and his white wife, Mary Elizabeth Powell, and thus a half-sister of George rather than one of his children. I found a Joel Dyer Blair 1834-1907 of Killeen, TX, bu can establish no relationship with the James Hayes Blair families.

6-22 (12:48pm) I have long been aware of the possibility that James Hayes Blair may or may not be a son of Colbert Blair and Sarah Morgan. That has been a point of contention in the genealogical community for many years. However, whomever put that information on the Find-A-Grave website is inaccurate in that DNA has not proven that yet to be factual. I am, in fact, myself a part of that Blair Family DNA Project and a long-time member of the Clan Blair Society and the Blair Society for Genealogical Research. We're still trying to resolve and verify the issue. Further, much information on the Find-A-Grave links is either questionable or wrong. Elizabeth Powell Blair is buried at Old Mt. Moriah, as her gravestone there indicates. However, no physical evidence exists that James Hayes Blair is also buried there. I personally, resulting from my research and family history, do not believe him to be buried there. Also, the list of children of James Hayes and Elizabeth Powell on the site is not accurate. Neither George Blair, nor Margaret Blair Henson were children of Elizabeth Powell. They were both the issue of the liaison of James Hayes and his Cherokee wife/partner.

6-22 (12:54pm) There is no empirical evidence on "family-tree/person/tree that George Blair's mother was someone named "Fields," nor that the parents of James Hayes Blair were Anne Hayes/James Blair. That's all conjecture. It could be true, but has not yet been verified. It's still a part of whether James Hayes Blair is the son of Colbert Blair, as mentioned above.

6-22 (1:04pm) I agree that you are probably correct in concluding that Sa-Li was not the Cherokee partner of James Hayes Blair.

6-22 (1:31pm) trees are historically filled with errors. I'm sure I have some bad information in mine. That's why I'm working to improve it. But this is a crock of totally wrong speculation!

6-22 (1:50pm) See Above

6-22 (1:54pm) Don't know who Deanna L. Rust is, but virtually everything on this site is erroneous info, i.e., James Hayes Blair was NOT born in Cherokee Nation, OK about 1767; he did NOT marry Sarah Blythe (Grifon); Sarah Blyth was the first wife of George Blair; neither Margaret "Peggy" Blair nor Jennie Blair were born in OK. They were George's sisters - born in Cherokee Nation East in NC. Jennie and Sarah both died on the Trail of Tears somewhere near Nashville.

6-23 (3:46pm) I do agree that Sa-Li Yonaguska who married Flying Squirrel was not the mother of James Hayes Blair's Cherokee children. Thanks for helping me clear that up.

6-23-(5:13 pm By Katheryn Forbes: Somewhere in my research I have seen a muster roll for the Taylor Detachment. It shows George Blair +5, and Jennie. I'm actively looking for it again. Saved it somewhere, but need to find it again. I have a copy of Butrick's Diary, and do think it odd that he would not have mentioned the death of an entire family. However, I do understand that they were left behind. George and Nancy Blyth stayed behind with them and George's first wife, Sarah, until after their deaths.

According to my research, George Blair's siblings (James Hayes and Sarah Sallie Smith's children) are Margaret Peggy Blair (Henson) 1798-1876, Sarah Lu-See Blair (Timpson) 1801-1830, Jennie Blair Sweetwater 1790-1838. Note that on the 1851 Chapman Roll, Eastern Cherokees which you cited for John, Sarah and Easter/Esther) Smith, there are also listings for Rebecca, Margaret, William and Sarah Starrett. These are Rebecca Creek Henson (Starrett), James Hayes and Sarah's granddaughter by his daughter (George's sister) Margaret Peggy Blair Henson and three of her children - Margaret, William and Sarah. Also listed is John Timpson "Ka Sah Lah Wee" and seven of his children. John Calvin Timpson waas married to Sarah Lucy "Lu See" Blair, another of James Hayes and Sara's daughters. Not sure why Sarah Lu See's name is not on the register, but it should be noted that neither Margaret Peggy Blair Henson nor Sarah Lu See Blair Timpson wewre relocated to OK.

6-23 (10:16pm) From my perspective and research, I find several things wrong with this page, i.e., Sarah (Fields) Blair is not George's mother; I do not have an Elizabeth "Betsy" Blair or a John Lowry anywhere in my tree or research; Amy Blair 1840-1858 was the daughter of George by his second wife, Nancy Blyth.

6-23 (11:10pm) I'm still working twith the Blair DNA Project to resolve and verify family relationships with Colbert/Sarah Morgan Blair.

6-24 (1:29 am) Thanks for the profile of Sarah Smith. If I'm reading it correctly, we now believe that Sarah may be another daughter of Yonaguska - not the one that married Flying Squirrel - but another daughter.

6-24 (2:14am) Although I have no way to verify it other than many other Ancestry Family Trees, I've found that over 50% of trees note that Lucy Timpson's maiden name is "Blair," while the remainder say "Smith." I've always counted her as one of James Hayes Blair's daughters - maybe because that's the way I come across her most often, or maybe because I just wanted to. But, either way, I've found that Lu See married John Calvin "Ka Sah Lah Wee" Timpson, and they had nine children:
1- Sarah Timpson 1825-1861
2- Mary Ann Timpson 1828-1898 (married John Hilary Clark 1829-1865)
3- John Calvin Timpson, Jr 1829-1868 (married Nancy Hall)
4- Melvina Elizabeth (Eliza) Timpson 1831-1879 (married Rollin Aaron
Burr 1818-1893)
5- Henry Clay "Cu tah qul lah" Timpson 1833-1875
6- Martha Jane Timpson 1834-1867 (married 1- Jesse Arnold 1816-? and
2- Thomas Scott 1820-1893.)
7- Lydia "Lit Tee" Timpson 1837-1899 (married Archibald Cochran 1821-
8. Nancy "Nannie" "Nun Ey" Timpson 1839-19078 (married a Crain)
9- Caroline "Cally" Timpson 1841-1862 (married Benjamin Curray Pettit
Jr. 1835-1897)

6-24 (2:20pm) Very interesting story and Ancestry post concerning Chief Tsaladihi Nimrod jarrett Smith!

6-24 (2:27 am) Looks like I'm indirectly related to Chief Smith. He is the grandson of my 4X Great Grandfather's Cherokee partner and her second husband, John Smith. I was at the Qualla Boundary last week and searched for the Chief's grave, but couldn't find it where I thought it to be, or in two other nearby cemeteries!

Thanks again , Erica. You really need to get some sleep!

8/15/2021 at 2:34 PM


Thank you, Charles William Blair

I’m glad I was able to contribute a bit to your research, and please correct Geni as you can.

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