Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom - Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom is my 13th cousin once removed.

Started by Leelo Veevo on Friday, August 6, 2021
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Would be nice to know my relatives from this line as well :)

Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom is my 9th cousin once removed.

Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom is my 20th cousin thrice removed :)

Thanks- 11th cousin !!!

13 cousin twice removed

Hey cuz!

Queen Elizabeth II is my 8th cousin, thrice removed.

Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom II, Queen of the United Kingdom is 15th cousin twice removed and first cousin 7 times removed's wife's uncle's wife's ex-partner's third great grandson's 1st wife.

Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom is your 13th cousin twice removed.


” Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom is your 11th cousin”

10th cousin, twice removed via lines of ancestors I never heard of. It will be interesting to see if my line that goes back to the couple that her line goes back to is actually correct.

I've not been doing this following stuff long and already the lines that join have changed to other lines and the old lines gone. It's not very confidence inspiring of this information when that happens. And I get no notice of what happened in the vanished line to make it disappear. The information in most of those lines that changed are so old as to be historical public information.

Hi Queen Elizabeth II s my 14th cousin.

Patrick from London.

Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom is my 9th cousin once removed

Elizabeth II is my 11th cousin 3 times removed

@Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom
It’s my 15th cousin five times removed
and my once removed’s husband’s first cousin once removed’s fiancee’s great aunt’s husband first cousin once removed.

Queen Elizabeth ll is my sixth cousin once removed

Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom is my 13th cousin four times removed

My 12th Cousin 1x removed.
Merrell Peavy

Queen Elizabeth II is my 13th cousin once removed. and also my 7th great grandmother's husband's 8th great niece

Hi, Leelo Veevo you are my 22nd cousin 8 times removed.

Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom is your 11th cousin once removed. :)

Hi - Here is my connection to HRH if someone would like to interpret please?

Queen of the United Kingdom Elizabeth 11 Windsor is your first cousin once removed's wife's great uncle's wife's second cousin once removed's husband's second cousin twice removed.

So I guess I wont be off to the palace for tea and cucumber sandwiches any time soon !



Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom is your 10th cousin twice removed.

Elizabeth II, Queen of the UK is my 13th cousin thrice removed.

My 13th cousin. Related through the Queen Mother.

Private User MorganWe will bring you cucumbers and tea :)

Thank you Cousin Daemon - this line is via the HM the Queen Mother - I have also found I am related via Camilla - These things do get tangled !

And thank you Cousin Tatjana Ha Ha I will look forward to the tea and sandwiches

Kind regards


Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom
is my 11th cousin twice removed

Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom is my 16th cousin thrice removed. :)

Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom is your 14th cousin.

I am also related to ER11, so is just about everybody. I am also related to just about every famous person just like everyone else. So now I am interest only in grand parents, eg King Henry the second, 22nd gif, but so are millions of other people, so also is pretty meaningless. The Earl of Argyll, 12th gif. Again so are hundreds of thousands. Once you get past faith gf it becomes just academic.

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