I am the great grand daughter of William Ansen Reed, my grandfather was Alfred Reed, his daughter Jean Reed married name Smith, was my mother. We know very little about Robert Reed. I live in Devonport NZ and am going to undertake some research on Alfred Reed's and William Ansen Reed's life in Devonport. William lived in Buchanan St in Devonport with his first wife who died at age 39 of a brain bleed William Reed remarried, my grandfather did not like his stepmother and his father had become difficult to live with according to family stories. Alfred left home at age 14 lied about his age and signed on with the Union Steam Ship company. He rose to the rank of Captain through hard work and self education. I would like to know how my great great grandfather Robert Reed died and which service he was in? Where in the photo is he? Martha has been a bit of a mystery to her descendants the link to other countries is a bit of a mystery too. Any further information would be a bonus.
Bronwyn Menhinick