Dirkje Helm, b5 SM - MtDNA H1B or H1AK?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Monday, October 18, 2021
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10/18/2021 at 8:23 AM

Private User says of Dirkje Helm, b5 SM

I've recently done my heritage DNA and confirmed that my Maternal line is H1B not H1AK1. I've traced that the DNA was added by a relative of Dirkje Helm.

Just want to find out if that perhaps Dirkje is in actual fact not my maternal grand mother or what you can advise I can do to validate the line? But can definitely confirm that DNA wise either the relative was adopted or incorrectly added to this line.

Are their Geni members who would be interested in walking these lines and validating their paper trails to help Elzanne?

10/18/2021 at 9:17 AM

Hi Elzane, it would be great to add your mtDNA result here on Geni to your profile. That will also show the conflicts. We are pretty sure that

Geertruij Helm, SM/PROG

is H1ak1 (literally everyone tested confirmed this results, no conflicts)

but Dirkie b5 only has one mtDNA tester.

The first step is to verify everything in your mtDNA line is correct, as the only known prog of H1B1 is

Anna Maria de Laar, SM/PROG

first "guess" therefore that there is a mistake in your mtDNA line. I will walk your line with any other takers.

10/18/2021 at 9:22 AM

Found it...

Anna Johanna Sophia Dippenaar

her baptism gives her mother as MEINTJES - not as STANDER!

10/18/2021 at 9:26 AM

Correct now :)

Christina van Looveren, SM/PROG as H1B1 :) (seems there is 2 therefore :) )

10/18/2021 at 9:37 AM

Sharon, updated mtDNA Female project too...

10/18/2021 at 9:45 AM

Go you :-)

10/18/2021 at 10:03 AM

Was an incorrect merge performed May 2021, reversed and corrected the tree... here is the correct BRITS whom married STANDER in 1854. Everything fine (for now :) )

Johannes Nicolaas Brits

10/18/2021 at 12:01 PM

wow!! well done

Private User
10/18/2021 at 12:12 PM

Great stuff. Thanks so much. I've also started tracing maternal line using documents and records on familiysearch.org to validate this. Noted that Anna Johanna Sophia Brits mother is actually Louisa Maria Meintjies (as Jan indicates above :) married to Johannes Nicolaas Brits on 19 Se9 1849)

Unfortunately had my DNA test done with South African company as part of a medical DNA test :) so can't upload it - they only recognize a few from what I can see. But I'm now considering doing the mtSequence with Ancestry/myHeritage.

Private User
10/18/2021 at 12:24 PM

Thank you so much Jan and Sharon! Really appreciate it!

10/18/2021 at 1:58 PM

Well done to all the hard work and good research. I watched with interest as I too am a maternal line to Geertruij Willemsz, SM/PROG. I have not however done an mtdna test as I didn't think I needed to since so many on the line have done it; so was curious to see if there was a discrepancy. Glad it was all logically sorted out. :)

Private User
10/18/2021 at 8:33 PM

This made for awesome reading. Well done Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2..h1! Happy you were able to connect with your mitochondrial ancestor Private User. Pleased to see another H haplogroup South African female progenitor. The late Bryan Sykes (died 10 December 2020) in his 'Seven daughters of Eve' names the haplogroup Helena. I'll reproduce part of what he wrote here: Chapter 17. Helena.

"Whether just by chance or by the guiding hand of natural selection we do not know, but Helena’s clan has grown to become the most widespread and successful of the Seven Daughters of Eve. Her children have reached every shore, settled every forest and crossed every mountain range. Helena’s descendants can be found from the Alps in the South to the Scottish Highlands and the Norwegian fjords in the North, and as far east as the Urals and the Russian steppes. Helena was born about 20,000 years ago on the strip of land that joins France and Spain, near what is now Perpignan."

10/18/2021 at 10:17 PM

Please someone update the mtDNA project with this projected haplogroup (or did you say you'd done it, Jan?) Sorry, I'm a bit out of it - my husband is in hospital with stage 4 cancer right now.

Elzane, I think there used to be a way to upload your DNA to either Gedmatch or FTDNA - and from there to Geni (but that could have changed.)

10/18/2021 at 10:18 PM

And again, great job - Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2..h1

10/19/2021 at 1:34 AM

Pleasure and yes mtDNA project was updated with

1. Christina van Looveren, SM/PROG H1B1 (and profile added there - profile also removed from the "mtDNA outstanding" project) (it is under the V surname group)

2. Elzane Wood as descendant

3. Under discussions... this one

Take care all (+1 for utilising mtDNA)

Private User
10/19/2021 at 3:30 AM

All the best Sharon! I've spoken to Geni (via logged request) and they have asked that I get mtFullSequence done with either MyHeritage/FamiltyTreeDNA to get raw GEDMatch data. I did not get that data set as part of my testing only Haplo groups and the subsequent DNA markers in the report. So I will do the test soon and then upload :)

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