Elijah James - Knights

Started by Kyle Dean Perkey on Friday, November 5, 2021
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11/6/2021 at 10:07 AM

Elijah James is my 21st cousin four times removed.
You Ingrida Cinkmane (Dzelvite)
→ Elza Dzelvite (Grahpe,Grāpe)
your mother → Jānis Grāpe(Grahpe)
her father → Baron Arnold Julius von Vietinghoff-Riesch
his father → Juliane Charlotte Lulla von Vietinghoff
his mother → Helene Gertrude von Krüdener
her mother → Gustav Georg von Völckersahm
her father → Sophia Elisabeth von Mengden
his mother → ObtLt. Magnus Gustav v. Mengden Frhr. v. Altenwoga
her father → Gustav v. Mengden Frhr. v. Altenwoga
his father → Gertrud von Mengden Frfr. von Altenwoga
his mother → Jürgen von Rosen
her father → Kersten von Rosen
his father → Kersten III von Rosen auf Hochenrosen
his father → Jürgen I von Rosen
his father → N.N. von Tiesenhausen
his mother → Bartholomeus von Tiesenhausen, of Kokenhausen
her father → Johann von Tiesenhausen
his father → Hans von Tiesenhausen
his father → Hildegunde Buxhövden
his mother → Albert von Buxhoeveden, I
her father → Gudela von Stade
his mother →
Richardis von Sponheim is my 20th great grandmother.
her mother →
Engelbert von Diessen, Graf von Lindburg-Wasserburg
her son →
Kunigunde von Wasserburg, Gräfin von Urach
his daughter → Egon IV "der Bartige" von Urach, Graf von Urach
her son → Jolanthe von Urach Arberg, Gräfin von Neuenburg
his daughter → Agnès de Neuchâtel
her daughter → Amadeus de Grandison
her son → William de Grandison, Sieur de Grandison & de Ste. Croix
his son → Agnes de Grandison
his daughter → Barbara Lewknor
her daughter → Sir Thomas de Lewknor, Knight
her son → Beatrice Kempe
his daughter → Thomas Kempe
her son → Isabell Strelley
his daughter → John Strelley, of Strelley, Esq.
her son → Margaret White
his daughter → John White, of Timsbury
her son → Alice Martyn Cannon
his daughter → Anastance Silverthorne
her daughter → John Silverthorne
her son → William Silverthorne
his son → Elizabeth Enloes
his daughter →
Christina (Enloe) Johnson
her daughter →
Avarilla James
her daughter →
Bennett James
her son →
Elisha K. James
his son →
Elijah James
his son

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