I'm a little confused by this from the About seciton
Catherine Dickinson's original will dated 17th February, 1790 (no certificate of probate). Son John, daughter Mary, granddaughter Nancy. A statement in the papers says Adam Dickenson died intestate, leaving one son John, a daughter Mary Davis, and Mrs. McClung, the only child of Abigail Carpenter.
I had first noticed that this Abigail has the maiden name Dickson rather than Carpenter but she's connected a full sister to Judith Carpenter but then half sister to their brothers Samuel and Jeremiah. I thought perhaps her maiden name being listed as Dickson was an error, that it should Carpenter since Joseph Carpenter is connected as her father, not a step-father.
But the excerpt from the About section states that Mrs. McLung, wihch would be this Abigail, was the only child of Abigail (Dickinson) Carpenter. Yet the mother Abigail has Judith connected as her daughter also.
Maybe I'm just not understanding what I'm reading, but in any case needing to have some clarification on the maiden name of this Abigal as to whether Joseph Carpenter was her father, etc. so I can be sure if the Geni pathways are correct.