Beck - Norwegian ancestry, or no?

Started by Private User on Wednesday, December 1, 2021
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Private User
12/1/2021 at 8:21 PM

Musician Beck has always said that his grandfather Al Hansen was of Norwegian ancestry. Our tree shows his parents as Nicholas Alfred Hansen, Jr and Katherine Campbell Hansen (born Lynch).

Ethnicelebs says that this is incorrect -- that Alfred was born Alfred Duckworth, son of Franklin T. Duckworth and Katherine C. [LNU], and that he merely used the surname of Nicholas, his stepfather. They further say that Alfred was largely of English and Scottish ancestry, and that it was Nicholas, the stepfather, who had Norwegian background.

Can we figure this out?

12/2/2021 at 7:06 AM

Familysearch Familytree has the family:

Katherine Campbell Lynch and her husbands, Franklin Thomas Duckworth and Nicolas Alfred Hansen.

Census 1940:

Nicholas Hansen, 46
Katherine Hansen, 40
Robert Duckworth, 18
Alfred Duckworth, 12
Gordon Duckworth, 11

12/2/2021 at 7:21 AM

Actually, in the 1940 census the name is Albert Duckworth, not Alfred. Probably a mistake, the 1930 census says Alfred Duckworth:

12/2/2021 at 12:51 PM

The census records do seem to support the theory that Alfred Hansen was originally born as Alfred Duckworth and changed his name later.

As it happens, I have contact information for Beck's mom, Bibbe Hansen. (She contacted me a few years back when she noticed that I manage some of her family's profiles.) I've sent her a message to see if she can help clear things up.

12/6/2021 at 9:28 AM

So I received word back from Bibbe concerning the family group of her grandparents, and she was very helpful and forthcoming! It seems that her grandmother had kind of an interesting relationship with each of the men in her life. At one time the three of them were living together, in what we would call today a polyamorous triad. Bibbe is reasonably certain that her father Alfred and his younger brother Gordon were the children of Nick Hansen -- not only due to the timeframe but also based upon their physical appearances. But since Franklin Duckworth remained the "head of household" for at least a period of time, it was simpler to give all three kids in the home the same last names.

Hope that helps to clear things up!

Private User
12/6/2021 at 9:52 AM

Thanks so much, Geoff! Maybe we can put a curator note on Alfred's profile saying something like "Born a Duckworth but biologically a Hansen. NPE confirmed by close family." I'll take a look at it later.

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