Further research beyond 6364

Started by Ray McHatton on Tuesday, December 14, 2021
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12/14/2021 at 10:41 AM

I have been classed as CTS-6364 100% probabilty by results in the Nev-Gen tool. This was from a Y67 ftDNA test.
An analysis has told me my line likely came out of Norway abt 800, settling near Argyll / Loch Linne Scotland, then perhaps to the Northern part of Ireland with groups of Galloglas mercenaries.
My surname McHatton has evolved from longer McElhatton(en) or similar. Anyone have any comments or suggestions? thank you and blessed Advent to you all.

12/14/2021 at 2:40 PM

I too am CTS-6364 100% probability from the Nev-Gen tool (based on a Big Y test at fDNA), which I only learned about from your post. Nev-Gen gives a bit more detail: I1 CTS6364> S4795>> S7642> Y6339

ftDNA takes that a little farther yet: I-Y6339>I-Y11266>I-Y61670>I-Y65313

I have 5 matches at the Y67+ marker level, all with surname spelling variations of Creasy/CreaseyCreecy. And my biological father was a Creasy, which I know from a confidante of my mom's and from at-DNA matches.

This line of American Creasys desend from an English Cressy in Jamestown, VA before 1678, possibly as early as 1619. We have no firm documentation for specific English ancestors but it's thought de Cressys came from Normandy with William the Conqueror, and quite possibly those Normans were essentially Vikings.

There are modern day Cressys in England and Northern France. I'd love to see one of them do a Y-DNA test!

-- Cronin B Vining

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