King David of Israel - Did something change?

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Private User
Сегодня в 2:02 до полудня

Im no longer the 107th grandson of king david :(

Сегодня в 2:10 до полудня

If you change something that’s why you probably lost the path to him.

Сегодня в 2:20 до полудня

That's a good thing - he has no proved direct descent line

Сегодня в 4:05 до полудня

I used to have a pathway to him too.

Geni alters trees that's all I can think of

Stephanie Taylor

Сегодня в 4:15 до полудня

Geni is one huge tree that is being merged into all the time, so it changes all the time in order to improve.

Сегодня в 4:27 до полудня

I love the Davidian links. Close to home as Judeo Christian !!

Private User
Сегодня в 7:25 до полудня

He is still my 93rd great grandfather!

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