John Robert Dunn, b5 - John Robert Dunn - Will

Started by Huida Shenker on Thursday, February 3, 2022
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2/3/2022 at 9:12 PM

Dear all, below is a retyped copy of John Robert Dunn's Will. I received a PDF copy from CampbellCollections <>

WILL OF THE LATE CHIEF JOHN DUNN (who died an Anglo Zulu, on August 6th, 1895)

This fourteenth day of May in the year of our Lord 1889.
I have been suffering from severe palpitation of the heart which has … lasted some months, and should I please Almighty God to take ….. I hereby earnestly beg those to whom it may be deputed to administer my property at the time of my death (those who have children by me) and are not mentioned by me in this document,
Ten head of cattle (full grown), not counting calves, for the use of the children they have by me.

To Cathrine, my head wife, I bequeath one hundred (100) head of cattle and to each of my
daughters by her, that are still unmarried, fifty head of cattle each.

To my eldest son Harry, I bequeath Two hundred head of cattle for his own use.

To “Nontombi” I bequeath the number of fifty (50) head of full grown cattle, not counting
calves, for the benefit of herself and children.

To Bambakele, I bequeath he number of twenty five (25) head of cattle for the benefit of
herself and children.
To Vukuta, I bequeath the number of twenty five (25) head of cattle for the benefit of
herself and children.

To Tombiqude, I bequeath twenty five (25) head of cattle for the benefit of herself and

And to each of my sons Jack, Sam, Jim, Dunga, Sivivane, and Ned, also Sidumuka, whose Mother died, I bequeath twenty five (25) head of cattle to each and all of them.

One hundred head of cattle to be sold and the proceeds go to my sister Agnes should she survive me.

The remainder of my cattle to be divided, a fourth part to go to my wife Cathrine for the benefit of herself and her daughters during her lifetime, and on her death to be equally divided amongst my daughters by her married, or unmarried, and the other three fourths of my cattle to be equally divided amongst my daughters by the said Cathrine married or unmarried, and my sons of other women who might still be in my household at the time of my death, also any moneys that I might have in any Bank or otherwise invested, to be equally divided, the said Cathrine to get one fourth part.

All my furniture and other effects and houses I leave to Cathrine for the benefit of herself and
My house and all the effects at my place known as Moyeni, at the Enyazene river, I leave to
Nontombi with all moneys that I might leave in the house at the time of my death.

My big travelling wagon with a span of sixteen oxen I leave to Cathrine, one of my wagons
with sixteen oxen I leave to my son Harry.

One of my wagons with sixteen oxen I leave to Nontombi for the benefit of herself and

Any wagons, oxen, horses and traps, to be sold, and the money divided as above mentioned.

I again pray that my last will, will be faithfully adhered to in good faith.
Given by my hand on the afore mentioned date
(Signed): John Dunn
Witness: (Signed) F. Green
27 March 1893

As Harry, my son and Vivian, have thought fit to leave me and live by themselves, and Harry to take to himself a wife, I hereby revoke anything I may have said in their favour and I leave them nothing and their mother I count as one who has been unfaithful to me. And I leave to Nomfezi twenty five (25) head of full grown cattle, not counting calves for the benefit of herself and children.
(Signed) John R. Dunn
Witness (signed) J.M. Gielink

My daughter Kungekile otherwise known as Bertha I do not include as one of my married daughters she having misbehaved herself.

2/4/2022 at 10:39 PM

That's wonderful info, Huida - thank you. I'll add it to his About.

2/5/2022 at 1:31 AM

WILL OF THE LATE CHIEF JOHN DUNN (who died an Anglo Zulu, on August 6th, 1895)


This fourteenth day of May in the year of our Lord 1889.
I have been suffering from severe palpitation of the heart which has … lasted some months, and should I please Almighty God to take ….. I hereby earnestly beg those to whom it may be deputed to administer my property at the time of my death (those who have children by me) and are not mentioned by me in this document, Ten head of cattle (full grown), not counting calves, for the use of the children they have by me.

To [[Catherine Dunn, Indlunkulu Catherine Dunn, Indlunkulu] Cathrine], my head wife, I bequeath one hundred (100) head of cattle and to each of my daughters by her, that are still unmarried, fifty head of cattle each.

To my eldest son [[Henry "Harry" Samson Dunn Henry "Harry" Samson Dunn] Harry], I bequeath Two hundred head of cattle for his own use.

To [[Nomtonbi Dunn Nomtonbi Dunn] “Nontombi”] I bequeath the number of fifty (50) head of full grown cattle, not counting calves, for the benefit of herself and children.

To [[Bambekile Dunn Bambekile Dunn] Bambakele], I bequeath he number of twenty five (25) head of cattle for the benefit of herself and children.

To [[Vukuta Dunn Vukuta Dunn] Vukuta], I bequeath the number of twenty five (25) head of cattle for the benefit of herself and children.

To [[Tombiqude Dunn Tombiqude Dunn] Tombiqude], I bequeath twenty five (25) head of cattle for the benefit of herself and children.

And to each of my sons [[Jack Dunn Jack Dunn] Jack], [[Sam Dunn Sam Dunn] Sam], [[James "Jim" Sunny Dunn James "Jim" Sunny Dunn] Jim], [[Dunga Dunn Dunga Dunn] Dunga], [[Sivivane Dunn Sivivane Dunn] Sivivane], and [[Edward "Ned" Dunn Edward "Ned" Dunn] Ned], also [[Sidumuka Dunn Sidumuka Dunn] Sidumuka], whose Mother died, I bequeath twenty five (25) head of cattle to each and all of them.

One hundred head of cattle to be sold and the proceeds go to my sister [[Agnes Francis Dunn, b4 Agnes Francis Dunn, b4] Agnes] should she survive me.

The remainder of my cattle to be divided, a fourth part to go to my wife Cathrine for the benefit of herself and her daughters during her lifetime, and on her death to be equally divided amongst my daughters by her married, or unmarried, and the other three fourths of my cattle to be equally divided amongst my daughters by the said Cathrine married or unmarried, and my sons of other women who might still be in my household at the time of my death, also any moneys that I might have in any Bank or otherwise invested, to be equally divided, the said Cathrine to get one fourth part.

All my furniture and other effects and houses I leave to Cathrine for the benefit of herself and children.

My house and all the effects at my place known as Moyeni, at the Enyazene river, I leave to Nontombi with all moneys that I might leave in the house at the time of my death.

My big travelling wagon with a span of sixteen oxen I leave to Cathrine, one of my wagons with sixteen oxen I leave to my son Harry.

One of my wagons with sixteen oxen I leave to Nontombi for the benefit of herself and children.

Any wagons, oxen, horses and traps, to be sold, and the money divided as above mentioned.

I again pray that my last will, will be faithfully adhered to in good faith.
Given by my hand on the afore mentioned date
(Signed): John Dunn
Witness: (Signed) [[Frank Green Frank Green] F. Green]
27 March 1893

As Harry, my son and Vivian, have thought fit to leave me and live by themselves, and Harry to take to himself a wife, I hereby revoke anything I may have said in their favour and I leave them nothing and their mother I count as one who has been unfaithful to me. And I leave to [[Nomtezi Dunn Nomtezi Dunn] Nomfezi] twenty five (25) head of full grown cattle, not counting calves for the benefit of herself and children.
(Signed) John R. Dunn
Witness (signed) J.M. Gielink

My daughter [[Kungekile "Bertha" Gielink Kungekile "Bertha" Gielink] Kungekile] otherwise known as Bertha I do not include as one of my married daughters she having misbehaved herself.

Thanks to Huida Shenker for the above:
Dear all - a retyped copy of John Robert Dunn's Will. I received a PDF copy from CampbellCollections <>

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