Query on parents of Mary Ann STEPHENS

Started by Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Australia) 🇦🇺 on Saturday, March 5, 2022
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Mary Ann Packett - Smith, {Australian Immigrant} is on Geni with 2 sets of parents

Set 1

Set 2

Can anyone provide any evidence for either set of parents?

NSW Death Record
Registration number
Father's Given Name(s)
Mother's Given Name(s)

Adelong and Tumut Express and Tumbarumba Post
Friday 18 September 1914 Page 3
On Sunday last, after about two days'
illness, Mrs. William Smith (relict of the
late Mr. W. Smith), at the ripe old age of
81 years and seven months, passed quietly
away at her son-in-law's residence [Mr. J.
Morris'] , Terry's Creek, the cause of death
being principally attributed to senile de-
cay. On 11th inst, whilst sitting at the
table, she spilled her cup of tea, and Mr. J.
Morris, who was the only one present, hear-
ing her complain wiped it up, when all of a
sudden she seemed to sway and would have
fallen to the floor had he not caught her.
On being put to bed she recovered herself,
but not for long, and finally peacefully
passed away. The departed one was born
at Guernsey, England, on 3rd February,
1833, and came to Sydney in 1853. After
remaining there for a while, she came to
Tumut, and shortly after met her first
husband, the late Mr Charles Packett, who
carried on horse-driving and farming pur-
suits, and the two battled bravely to
support their five sons and two daughters.
Four sons predeceased her, there remaining
Mr John Packett, of Westwood, Mrs J.
Morris, Terry's Creek, and Mrs W. W.
French, Brungle. Some time in the
seventies, Mr C. Packett died, and his
widow 12 months later married Mr Wm
Smith, who for many years carried on
systematic farming on Bombowlee and
Bombowlee Creek. For 16 years he was a
tenant of the late Mr Lampe's, later of the
late Mr Stephen Williamson on the
property now owned by Dr Mason. But
the weight of years told upon the two old
toilers and they purchased land and built a
nice little residence in town, wherein to re-
tire from the strenuous life they had been
following. The result of the latter union
was two sons, Messrs William and Henry
Smith, of Sydney, and four daughters, viz:
Mrs Paul McGruer, Casino, Mrs M. Mulvi-
hill, Tumut, Mrs J. Todd, Mt Adrah, Mrs
H Hughes, Sydney. But all things on
earth are changing. 'Time, like a resist-
less stream, bears all her sons away,' and,
the father dying, Mrs Smith went to the
refuge of her eldest daughter, who did all
she could to administer to the happiness of
her aged mother. The subject of our
obituary was a woman of strong personality
and of very decided opinions, which she
was never backward in expressing ; but one
of the good old hospitable sort whose
charity was not of the washy order of to-
day. She bore all her troubles bravely,
being imbued with the true pioneer spirit,
and her departure will leave 'a vacant
chair that never can be filled.' She leaves
behind her three sons and six daughters, 76
grandchildren and 43 great grandchildren,
to mourn the loss of a true and faithful
mother, and of a 'grannie' of whom they
all were proud. Her remains were interred
in the Church of England portion of the
new cemetery on Tuesday last. Mr James
Elphick conducted the mortuary arrange-
ments, and Rev C E Burgess officiated at
the grave. We tender the bereaved ones
our deepest condolence.
Farewell, thou fair day, thou green earth
and the skies
Now gay with the broad setting sun !
Farewell, loves and friendships, ye dear
tender ties !
Our race of existence is run.

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