Guillaume II du Plessis, Seigneur du Plessis, des Breux et de La Vervolière - Guillaume II du Plessis and Margerie of Warwick

Started by Ivy Bedworth on Saturday, March 12, 2022
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All the research I've looked through over my years of trying to trace my ancestral line, keeps coming back to a "John" du Plessis as her second marriage. The English version of Guillaume is William, and he would have used that name and if he did, his name would be recorded as Jean Guilliamme, but all the data on all the genealogy websites uses the latter rather than the actual husband, her second marriage. She died without issue. Therefore she cannot be the mother of a child born after her death

According to Wikipedia,_7th_Countess_of..., she died on 3 June 1253, her purported son, Pierre, was born in 1307 in Poitiers. Surely if he was he son, he would've inherited the title and estates through his mother, which of course the person Pierre du Plessis didn't. Can someone who is familiar with du Plessis history please correct this, or explain to me why my data is wrong when every reference to her stresses that she died childless and the estate was passed on to a cousin.

I appear to have been asking for Sources since 2015. Happy to sever the link.

Removing Curator Note On Margerie de Warwich, Countess of Warwich
from Sharon Doubell (2/5/2015):
We still need sources to validate this new profile on the South African historical tree.

(independent of sought-after-connections in the french du Plessis families)

Thanks for correcting this. It's not a big deal in my family's history, but I don't want to put false information in my family tree. I'd rather just leave the mother as "unknown" than claim some connection to English nobility that is untrue. So thanks for attending to this.

Jean du Plessis, son of Quillaume: John 'du' Plessis, John 'de' Plessis, John de Plessetis, Plascetis earl of Warwick, Johannem de Plesseto . Don't want to overrule on the subject( =just some name-findings)

(click in the above link at the top right 'FAMILY LINKS')

m firstly (before 23 Aug 1242) JOHN Marshal, Marshal of Ireland, son of JOHN Marshal, Marshal of Ireland & his wife Aline de Rye (-[3 Oct/23 Oct] 1242).

(Ok not a big deal in your family-affairs), just to correct the mothersname found in the above link is At geni now the mother is Margerite d'Olly
"There was a family of the name of Plessis or de Plessetis settled at Plessy in the township of Blyth, Northumberland. Alan de Plessis and John de Plessis were concerned in a forest dispute in Northumberland in 1241. The latter was a person of some note in the county, and was no doubt the warden of Northumberland in 1258, though Dugdale and others have erroneously assigned this office to the Earl of Warwick.[1][2]
SOURCE: Wikipedia"

Well spotted. Thanks. Will merge.

Good job done Sharon!

Yes, well done Sharon. Thank you.

Thanks guys - appreciation is always welcome

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