Merges and Duplicates

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Private User
Сегодня в 2:28 до полудня

I am not sure this is the place for this, but I am at my wits end and hope someone here can offer suggestions on how to address what has become an overwhelming problem.

How can I get Geni to take up the issue of people creating obvious duplicates, and then requesting to merge with the original owner of the duplicated profile.

I would like to understand why allow the duplicates in the first place, instead of alerting the person creating the duplicate, to send a request to be added as a manager on the profile.

Why is that so hard.

I am having to clean up too many conflicts caused by merges. There are instances when the information being merged is incorrect and it becomes time consuming with the need for additional research. Invariably one merge creates numerous other merges that may also need to be verified when the information is different.

This has been an ongoing problem that I have faced over the years.

Am I the only one who sees this as an issue?

Сегодня в 2:47 до полудня

Of course we all see the problem.

Basic members cannot easily act on tree merges. It is possible to become quite proficient using google and avoid the duplicate & merge issue, but many users are intent on building their own tree, as they know it, and do not quite understand the “one tree” concept. (Spoiled by Ancestry!)

Gedcom uploads are my biggest threat, as members will upload large files instead of small, targeted ones that extend the tree. Curators are authorized to remove those duplicate trees instead of merging, but we need to be notified. So use the discussion “Attention, please assist” for curator assistance on it.

And keep educating. A friendly - hey, why don’t I add you as a manager, and your data entry is done! May go a long way to alerting casual members to more effective methods.

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