wife of Gunceline de Badlesmere - Disputed Origins

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Joan FitzBernard was the daughter of [[Ralph FitzBarnard, of Kingsdowne Ralph FitzBarnard, of Kingsdowne] Ralph FitzBernard] and his second wife [[Joan de Aguillon Joan de Aguillon] Joan de Aguillon].

Sorry, [[Guncelin de Badlesmere Guncelin de Badlesmere] Gunceline de Badlesmere] did not marry [[Joan FitzBernard Joan FitzBernard] Joan FitzBernard]

CP volume in which FitzBernard appears, p.403, note b: "Genealogists have ignored the fine of 6 Edw. II altogether and assert that these persons were the heirs of line to JohnFitzBernard, as descended from one Margaret, whom they variously describe as daughter or as aunt of Thomas FitzBernard, and mother of Bartholomew [it would appear that Joan is substituted for Margaret] de Badlesmere. The first statement, which is the older version, is clearly impossible; the other appears to be merely an arbitrary alteration of it, to make it possible: at all events, no evidence is produced. Nor is anything known about the [[wife of Gunceline de Badlesmere wife of Gunceline de Badlesmere] wife] of [[Guncelin de Badlesmere Guncelin de Badlesmere] Guncelin], father of [[Bartholomew de Badlesmere, 1st Baron of Badlesmere Bartholomew de Badlesmere, 1st Baron of Badlesmere] Bartholomew de Badlesmere]. Moreover, it is not likely that Thomas, by a fine, would have given the reversion of the manor to the actual reversioner. What he did was to entail the manor on the heirs of his body, giving his wife a life interest, and then sell the manor to Bartholomew, knowing that his wife could recover it after his death: which she did, but not from Bartholomew, who had already lost the manor---and his life." [Ref: Kay Allan, A.G. message to Gen-Medieval date unk: part of a reply to her previous message included by Alan B. Wilson 17 Sep 1997 message to Gen-Medieval] Note: though not stated the CP vol. containing the footnote excerpted is V...CH"

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