Judi Meyer's Curated profiles - Requests for help.

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Private User
Сегодня в 12:03 до полудня

Please link any of Judi Meyer's curated profiles that are locked, or have fields locked to this discussion.

Calling -

Private User
Herman Booysen
Daniel Jacobus Botes, g2h3
Private User
Sharon Doubell
Private User
Private User
Private User
John Sparkman
Private User

Сегодня в 12:27 до полудня

Noted, June. I must mention that Judi applied locks sparingly, so I always presume that she must have had good reasons for doing so. Personally, I should apply caution before I unlock them.

Private User
Сегодня в 2:14 до полудня

there are many reasons why locked fields may need editing. EG place names are not in accordance with the names as they should be at the time (see https://www.geni.com/projects/South-Africa-Towns-and-Cities-MAIN-PAGE/10223),

Private User
Сегодня в 3:36 до полудня

We all make mistakes .
Geni as a collaborative site needs all of us to give input and correct mistakes or improve information on a profle with new sources discovered.
Locked profiles or fields do serve a purpose but I really do not believe they then become immutable .
Also best to only add information supported by actual valid sources.
Guesswork and speculation can be added in about /overview rather.

Private User
Сегодня в 3:43 до полудня

In August 2022 I corrected 14 profiles connected to wrong parents or also spouses or children since before 2012 on Geni .
The amount of wrong information I have corrected on Geni the last two years just too many.
If no sources then better to remove information especially on pre 1800 profiles of ancestors belonging to many of us

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