Immediate Family
Private User6th cousin
Private Userchild
Private Usersibling
Privatefifth cousin twice removed
About Herman Booysen
I know these languages: English, Afrikaans, Sesotho, Dutch, Latin, Biblical/Classical Greek. I read Spanish, German & Danish. I transcribe 16th to 19th Century Dutch handwriting. I also transcribe German and Scandinavian Gothic (printed & handwritten) text.
I specialise in the genealogy of Southern Africans (South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe) of European descent, the descendance of former slaves, and the history and genealogy of early Protestant Missionaries (especially the Presbyterian family of churches) in the sub-continent. I directly descend from, and research, role-players in the Anglo-Boer War and their genealogy.
I reside in Bloemfontein, a sleepy city in the centre of South Africa, with my wife of more than 35 years, two cats and two dogs. I love them all equally.