Beverly Virginia Waymire (Jesperson) - Children

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Сегодня в 11:27 до полудня

I am the daughter of Beverly Virginia Jesperson(aka) Waymire and Carl Claude Jesperson (aka) Waymire. My name is Carol Cheryn Schafer (aka) Waymire.. my brother is Gary James Waymire. My mother passed away October, 1972 in Canoga Park, Ca., and my father passed away in 1975, Canoga Park, Ca. My fathers name was changed due to a separation of his mother Frances Waymire and his father Carl Jesperson many years ago. He also has another Daughter Carleen Frances Waymire(aka) Hjelmstrom. My fathers father changed his name from Carl Christian Jesperson to Carl Cornell Jesperson. He. deserted my father and his brother Glen James Waymire (aka) Jesperson for many years thus the name change. If you need any further information you can contact me.

Thank you, Carol. C.Schafer

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