Christina Richter - Alt data

Started by Sharon Doubell on Sunday, February 26, 2023
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Birth Surname Richter REICHEL
Birth Date c. 1610 c. 1606
Birth Location Gruenhainichen. Erzgebirge. Chemnitz. Sachsen. Waldkirchen, Marienberg, Sachsen
Death Date before April 15, 1678 September 1640
Burial Date 15 April 1678 17 September 1640
Burial Location Waldkirchen. Chemnitz. Sachsen. Grünhainichen, Marienberg, Sachsen

Were these two profiles even the same person?

No they weren't:

Private what were your intentions with this?

That was a mistake. I was looking for her from the other day. I meant to hit not a match. I am going to hold up on any merging for a bit. I had that happen a couple of times recently, and I think I am getting sloppy. I'm glad you found it.

Me too - it happens to us all. Thanks for letting me know :-)

ich werde im OFB-Waldkirchen nachsehen und melde mich wieder -
I will check in the OFB-Waldkirchen and get back to you

Don't worry Harald, I've fixed it - it was a mis-merge.

Keine Sorge, Harald, ich habe es korrigiert - es war eine Fehlzusammenführung.

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