George Grundy - Birth/Baptismal Record for George

Начал Professor Terry Mack Grundy, FRSA сегодня
Сегодня в 10:25 до полудня

I would be very gratified if anyone associated with this site provided me with birth/baptismal data about George Grundy. The data given for a different George Grundy, one who came to the young United States after the Revolutionary War and married a Baltimore woman if means. The family of the George Grundy of this site always maintained that he haled from around Bury, Lancashire (not Bolton-Le-Moors) but no one, so far as I know, has ever been able to find his baptismal record. What *is* known is that he was in Bedford County, Virginia, by the mid-1750s.

I am his great-great-great-great and would love to add to the record by verifying his birth in Lancashire, most likely in the early 1730s. I believe it is important not to mix this George Grundy up with the other George because of a coincidence of names and coming from the same county. Unfortunately, that simple error is made on many online genealogical sites.

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