Jan Barentsen Wemp - Nonsensical locations

Начал Alex Moes сегодня
Сегодня в 8:42 после полудня


"Poest, Drenthe, Holland"
Poest translates to post, there is no identifiable town in The Netherlands with this name.
Holland is not a place, South Holland and North Holland are provinces of The Netherlands.
Likewise, Drenthe is a province of The Netherlands, so one location cannot be in both "Holland" and "Drenthe" simultaneously.

"Albany, New Netherland" is not and never has been nor ever will be a place.
Albany was founded by the Dutch settlers of the New Netherland Colony as the village of Beverwyck, just a short distance from the nearby earlier settlement of Fort Orange. On the seizure of the colony by the English in 1664 the village of Beverwyck was renamed Albany and has been known as such ever since.

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