Elihu Root, U.S. Secretary of War and State - Nobel Prize

Started by Linda Diane Epstein on today
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Today at 8:32 AM

Just adding this into his profile: The Nobel Peace Prize 1912 was awarded to Elihu Root "for bringing about better understanding between the countries of North and South America and initiating important arbitration agreements between the United States and other countries"

Elihu Root received his Nobel Prize one year later, in 1913. During the selection process in 1912, the Norwegian Nobel Committee decided that none of the year's nominations met the criteria as outlined in the will of Alfred Nobel. According to the Nobel Foundation's statutes, the Nobel Prize can in such a case be reserved until the following year, and this statute was then applied. Elihu Root therefore received his Nobel Prize for 1912 one year later, in 1913. (https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/1912/summary/)

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